OGSA DMI Telcon - 24 February 2010 ================================== Present: Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Steven Crouch, University of Southampton Peter Turner, University of Sydney Garson Galang, VeRSI David Meredith, STFC Shahbaz Memon, FZJ Agenda: o Agenda bashing o Actions review o Progress report o Proposed changes to the group o OGF28 o Planning Actions: [MAA] Look at Shahbaz's WSRF DMI rendering. [SM] Find out if adding xsd:any to all complex elements would have a negative impact. [DM] Add suggested changes to the text in the functional spec. [SC] Make introductions to get some DMI/JSDL interaction going. Contact Donald Fellows and Andreas Savva. Will pursue at OGF28. UNICORE also using JSDL. [DM] Come up with a straw man proposal for the bulk transfer operation. Taken over by DM from SM. SM will help to contribute. [DM] Mail the out the most salient points to the WG for discussion. [MAA/SM/DM/SC] Prepare slides for the OGF28 session. Completed Actions ---------------- [MAA] Give everybody on this call author privileges once on Grid Forge and joined the OGSA-DMI WG. I believe that I did this for all the people I could find that were subscribed on GridForge. Check if Steve is there. [DM] Reply to Allen's email. Retired. --- o Agenda bashing o Actions review o Progress report WSRF/WSI rendering for WS-I document still not been released to be published. Need to decide whether to publish the WS-I document after the bulk transfer document in case it has an impact. Have to consider the xsd:any extensions to the existing DMI specs and the bulk transfer straw man. DataMinx has been getting their implementation together and can feedback to the group. Aiming towards a first release at the end of February. Includes the back end JMS. MAA encouraged a completely pragmatic approach towards development of DataMinx and not to get tied up with spec stuff. MAA also think it is important to try to and keep UNICORE and Globus engaged to get them to work. A discussion followed of whether middlewares like GridSAM and OGSA-DAI could implement DMI. GridSAM could provide some functionality, OGSA-DAI could either act as a client to a DMI service or act as a source/sink of data. o OGF28 Have a 90 minute session. MAA, SC, DM & possibly SM. MAA report on the status of the group. SC/DM Future directions. Outline of the bulk transfer by then would be good. Discuss the messaging model - present the first version of the spec. Contact Donald Fellows, Andreas Savva - to be contacted by SC. MAA will try to talk to Ravi. Try to produce slides a week before OGF for feedback. Need to report to the data area meeting. o Proposed changes to the group MAA announced that he would be stepping down as chair from DMI. A possible replacement was SC. The group agreed that this would be a good choice. MAA would email the WG telling folks that he was resigning and that SC would be a good replacement. As the folks in the telcon had endorsed SC as a good choice really looking for objections or alternatives. o Planning Most of the planning runs up to OGF28 where more planning will be made. o AOB Skype call worked out well and will be used in the future.