DMI Telcon - 17 July 2009 ========================= Present ------- Mario Antonioletti, EPCC David Meredith, STFC Shahbaz Memon, FZJ Peter Turner, University of Sydney Gerson Galang, VeRSI Agenda ------ - Agenda bashing - Progress update - MAA determine if proposed changes can be passed off as errata. - AL determine if existing spec can transfer multiple directories living on the same host. - SM WSRF OGSA-DMI rendering. - Other stuff ... - Planning ---- Actions: [MAA] To come up with a template document to explore if required functionality can be put in a spec addendum/new spec. [MAA] Point folks to the Plain WS Rendering of the DMI spec. The document that went to public comment (and went down a black hole) is available from: The source for the document is at: [MAA] Look at Shahbaz's WSRF DMI rendering. DONM: 8am UK time (GMT+1) Friday 11 September Agenda bashing: -------------- Take as is. Progress Update: ---------------- o Mario on changes to the spec: Basically errata works within the first 6 months the document is out on the filed. Current spec has been out for about a year now so we are at the discretion of the OGF Editor. May be ok to add the extensibility points as is - don't think anyone has really implemented the specs afaik. Other changes may require a new process. Might be good to try to do an addendum to the DMI spec that has the requested changes. o Allen is in the US currently so this time is not suitable for a telcon: Allen not had time to look at whether multiple data transfers from the same host supported by current version of DMI. Allen somewhat uneasy about bloating the DMI spec. o Discussion Mario thought it might be good to see if the extensibility points required by DataMinx could be retrofitted into the existing spec and the new required functionality put into a new spec addendum or at least see how far we could get with that. There are too many possible details in the proposal that David put in: We do not have to solve the general case, but enough to accommodate the DataMinx requirements. Mario asked if there would be interest in doing this. Shabhaz said that UNICORE could do one of the implementations and was wondering whether DataMinx could do the other. There was a cautious maybe from the DataMinx folks. It is important to have an implementation in tandem with the writing of the spec in order to ensure that there is some sanity. It would be good if this effort was driven by end user requirements. Peter is uneasy about having to steer a path between JSDL and DMI for the DataMinx project. JSDL takes a computational view of things - can cheat and have a data movement job by using the data staging in and out and a trivial job such as: stage data in /usr/bin/date stage data out which would effectively do the data movement in a roundabout way. Would be good to try and get some kind of inter operability between JSDL/DMI so the two could operate properly (if possible). Gerson stated that the DataMinx Schema was using bits from DMI and JSDL and that the DMI may care to look at this and comment. There was a discussion on the functional spec (which just contains the top level schema) and the renderings that contain the actual WSDL. The plain WS rendering went to public comment and then disappeared - Mario chasing up with Greg Newby. Shahbaz is doing the WSRF rendering but is waiting for feedback from Mario before he starts writing the document (Oops!). There was a discussion about whether the modifications could be made to the existing documents but Mario and Shahbaz that it was probably not. Mario to point folks to the plain WS rendering. A discussion on DTF and DTI followed and the rendering of it. David wants to ensure that messages to be exchanged with the DTF and the DTI are the same. DataMinx are using a RESTful approach. Shahbaz and Mario had concerned about being able to do interoperability between a RESTful implementaiton and Web Services based one. Maybe what the DataMinx folks would like to do is a RESTFUL rendering of DMI... Suggested approach: - Mario will put in a document stub that the group will develop over the next month and half. We'll have another telcon round about then and evaluate whether there is enough enthusiasm/will/ need to continue. If there is mileage in this we shall have to re-charter.