DAIS Telcon - 11/10/07 ====================== Attendees: Dave Pearson, Oracle Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Isao Kojima, AIST Said Mirza, AIST +-- o OGF21 o Progress on the Specs o Where we go from here? o Positions in the group New Actions: [Dave] To email Miguel to ascertain what the status of their work is. [Dave] To email the WG to say he is stepping down as chair. o OGF21 Neither Mario and Dave will be able to attend OGF21. Said and Isao will be there. it appears that Miguel will be there as well. A DAIS session has been booked. There has not been much contact between Spain and Japan. Progress at AIST - most completed the specification. Have downloaded the new version of documents at the end of August. Have produced a summarised version of the scenarios document. No new issues have been found since the last OGF meeting. AIST waiting to see if they can get a common ontology with the Spanish group or whether to proceed by themselves. Dave attended a semantic tech conference in Vienna at the beginning of June and talked about the group and has talked to other people - difficult to get people involved. Have an early implementation based on OGSA-DAI but do not have many users as yet. Would be important to get the Spanish and the AIST version of the documents consistent. Dave will email Miguel to tell him that the AIST work is almost complete and it is important for the two pieces of work are consistent and ask him if he's going to OGF21 (found out from MSN later that Miguel would be at OGF21). AIST want to publish their work as early as possible, possibly February next year. The final decision will be made based on what the Spanish group. Dave's Oracle work has changed and has not had enough time to provide the necessary leadership. Dave feels he needs to step down from the chair position. Mario is willing to step up but not acting as the single chair. Isao is also willing to act as chair for this session. Dave Pearson will email the group to state that he will be stepping down as chair and see if anyone is willing to step-up. There will be another call after OGF to finalise these details.