Page 13: Deleted An Application Content may be Page 13: Inserted In order to ensure its integrity, AA may include Page 13: Deleted real entity in the AA or a reference to an external storage. An external reference would be useful if the content file is huge in size or owned by other entity than creator. Note that ACS is not responsible for resolving the external reference or ensuring the existence of referenced entity through the AA lifespan, if it is described in AAD as a reference. If it is provided in a real entity with the Create request but attached as a reference, ACS repository will verify and retrieve (resolve) the reference at the creation of the AA instance. If that fails, it will return a fault for the Create request. In order to ensure its integrity, AA may include Page 13: Comment [6] 2005/10/11 17:37:00 I changed the figure and removed external reference. Page 13: Deleted jar, Page 13: Comment [7] 2005/10/11 17:37:00 should be removed since jar is a special type of zip including META-INF directory Page 13: Deleted Zip will do both while others do the former only. Page 13: Comment [8] 2005/10/11 17:37:00 I think we need not this sentence. There are many formats other than zip which do both bundling and compression. Page 13: Comment [9] Perhaps we could say a unit of gconfiguration managementh Page 14: Deleted Different styles of the DD may be needed for deployment in other system that accepts AA and ARI Page 14: Inserted ACS doesnft parse the DD, therefore the ACS is neutral to any language describing DD Page 14: Comment [10] 2005/10/11 17:37:00 Page : 14 This is being discussed at OGSA-EMS and has not reach consensus yet. I suggest to drop off this diagram because the whole EMS architecture is beyond our scope. I believe the relationship to EMS is explained later section 3.3.x.. Page 14: Comment [11] An element? Page 15: Comment [12] Agreed to be ok in the ACS-WG#1 Page 15: Deleted Page 15: Inserted Page 15: Comment [13] Of the same ID? (one modified from the other?) Page 15: Inserted . Both versions are still available Page 15: Comment [14] This is confusing. I canft tell if you incrementing a version of a particular AAID, or making a copy with a new AAID and creating a new version number. ( I am pretty sure it is the former, but maybe we can clarify, since Andrew Grimshaw (OGSA) requested the capability to create new AAfs from existing ones. Page 15: Comment [15] We should allow deletion. The result can be vague on the specification. At least, the repository must keep the consistency of the information. Page 15: Deleted Page 15: Inserted Page 16: Comment [16] 2005/10/11 17:37:00 Page : 16 I think it helps to understand this section if "data transport" is explained prior to this section. Page 16: Deleted (URLs) Page 16: Comment [17] 2005/10/11 17:37:00 Page : 16 I supporse the refernces are not limited to URLs. It may be EPR or any domain specific reference. Page 16: Comment [18] 2005/10/11 17:37:00 Page : 16 I supporse this means to use extended transport method rather than SwA and Embedded that are defined in ARI spec. Page 17: Deleted In either case, the Page 17: Inserted The Page 17: Inserted For the case 1), Page 17: Inserted For the case 2), it is out of scope of the ACS specification and is left to the implementations how those are presented inside the Application Contents. Page 17: Deleted with Page 17: Inserted With Page 17: Inserted , for example, embedded or Page 17: Comment [19] 2005/10/11 17:37:00 Attaching to SOAP message is not mandatory. SwA is one of transport methods as described in later paragraph. The discrete files may be "embedded" into the Create message body or transported by GridFTP or anything. Page 17: Inserted , for example, embedded or Page 17: Comment [20] 2005/10/11 17:37:00 Same as comment [S17] Page 17: Deleted a Page 17: Deleted jar, war Page 17: Comment [21] 2005/10/11 17:37:00 Should be removed since jar and war are special types of zip. Page 18: Deleted Page 18: Inserted Page 20: Deleted OGSA Page 32: Inserted s Page 34: Inserted s Page 37: Inserted s Page 39: Inserted s Page 41: Inserted s