OGSA-WG interim F2F meeting July 29 to 31 at ANL Place: Argonne National Lab. Building room Dial-in: , passcode Material: [Day 1 pm, July 29 1-6pm] 1-1) Early discussion Note taker assignment Roll call (in person and on bridge) Last call's minutes approval Agenda bashing AOB 1-2) Review "expected meeting output/goal" proposal Hiro will send out shortly 1-3) Grouping and prioritize of function requirements discussion Reorganize and prioritize (e.g. required, recommended, optional) all requirements use "GPA Grid core functions" and the other input. Andreas will send out the draft list of functions shortly Each requirement should have short (up to 5 line) description. 1-4) Send draft minutes to the list [Day 2 am, July 30 9am-noon] 2-1) Early discussion Note taker assignment Roll call (in person and on bridge) AOB 2-2) Service taxonomy discussion based on Jay's draft and the other inputs, reorganize all services from OGSA user's point of view (service endpoints). Each service should have short (up to 5 line) description. [Day 2 pm, July 30 1-6pm] 3-1) Service factoring and hieracy discussuion based on Andreas's draft and the other inputs, reorganize all platform services from the provider's point of view. Identify common functionality across services, and how things are put together between OGSI and the upper level services (core, data, etc) Each service should have short (up to 5 line) description. 3-2) Send draft minutes to the list [Day 3 am, July 31 9am-noon] 4-1) Early discussion Note taker assignment Roll call (in person and on bridge) AOB 4-2) Platform services prioritize and owner assignment Priority: required, recommended, optional Each service should have one or two pages description. Owner will be WG/RG co-chairs, their delegates, or volunteers (if appropriate WG/RG does not exist) Review service description template 4-3) Review Table of Contents straw for platform document (rev. 2) Hiro will send out shortly 4-4) Usecase document discussion Status review of expected use cases (Ravi, Jeffrin, other WGs) If we have time, review usecases and collect comments on them. Then the comments will be forwarded to the authors for update. 4-5) Wrap up Review next steps tele conf, 2nd F2F, GGF9, A service developer workshop AOB 4-6) Send draft minutes to the list