------------------------------------------------------ OGSA F2F meeting ------------------------------------------------------ == Information system == == Main questions == =(Basic) Requirements to prop up in front of the Grid IS/EMS: = (my proposals): it should be distributived it should be error-prone, and fault-tolerant (if one part is out of order, the system will be still usable) 1. it should be scalable it should be fast for insert and update operation it should be capable for complex query operation -> should do it fastly as far as capable it should be capable agregate/integrate informations from info-fragments (from JSDL, GLUE Scheme, etc) =What should it contains (information about what): = (my proposals): Resources/Services (responsibilty of GLUE ver2, Information modell groups): For example: -list of the resources/services in the system type of the service (Storage, Exection service, Scheduler, ) service contact information service specific attributes (CPU, disk space etc) -state of the resources -load -avaibilty & reability (is workfs) (My extreme ideas) Data relevant information system Application relevant information system running was how succesfully in the past = Age of the information = only actual informations (it should be create a separated logging service that is responsible for this) also historical infromations aggreta for perfomance = How to put the infromatios to the EMS = put model pull model both