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Workshops for the Upcoming GGF Meeting

GGF-10 Berlin

·       The Future of Grid Data Environments (workshop plan)

Organizers: Malcolm Atkinson, Ann Chervenak, Andre Merzky & Susan Malaika

·       Workflow in Grid Systems (workshop plan and call for participation)

Organizers: Dennis Gannon, Geoffrey Fox, Abbas Farazdel, IBM, Carole Goble, Ewa Deelman, Dave Berry

·       Grid Services for Particle and Nuclear Physics Applications - Experience and Requirements (workshop pending final approval by GROC- proposal)

Organizers: Ian Bird, Doug Olson, Ruth Pordes

·       Applications

Organizers: Tom Hinke, NASA Ames

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/9398?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 16:14:48 GMT