Notes from Oct 16, 2003 OGSA-Authz Telecon (Andrew McNab, Von Welch) Attending: Von Welch Bob Cowles Andrew McNab Markus Lorch Rebekah Lepro Bob Morgan Frank Siebenlist Mary Thompson VW: Develop use cases for attribute document. Basic attributes for scientific community Probably small: grid specific stuff like VOs? Mary: subgroups and roles too? eg NFC wants to diff between experiment groups, admininistrators and general VO membership VW: enough equality across VOs AM: VOMS has groups that you almost always have, and Roles that you have to choose to pick up (in practice its rather like using a Unix machine with AFS: you have a set of Unix groups and can also choose to get AFS tokens associated with specific roles.) BC and others: Mary: have "charging" or "accounting" identity? in addition to groups BC: Accounting ID better than Project ID, more clear. VW: Brainstorming mode? people write what they think the Grid community needs? VW will collate. Go through to try to decide what needs specifying? MT: Brainstorming likely to get too many ideas. 5.2 has a start at this list. Clearance and Citizenship questionable RL: Those are important at NASA Ames. VW: Start with list in 5.2? ML: Would like to see capability in there, but need to define it it in email. MT: Start with EduPerson? Markus: I want to describe capability more. Using role at the moment. Used to call it privilege, but capability clearer. Mary: worth going through eduPerson and inetOrgPerson and identify what is useful? VW: aim for If you want to express This, please do it That way. Markus: want to be able to give other users a statement that they can do something VW: quite like CAS. how to express this kind of thing: an attribute or something else? Attribute is abstracted so relying party can process is how it likes. Markus: problem is relying party needs to understand what to do with it. need infrastructure, to set up policy on resources etc. Distinction between subject and resource attributes and policies. Mary: value of capability much more complicated than of a group, but does that matter? need a language to express, just like conditions Rebeka: do we have a clear concensus on how to use attributes, capabilies decisions etc? maybe need to redraw/clarify AM: distinction between what's "vo level" like groups, and what needs understanding of resource RL: Differientiate between what is being shipped around and how (e.g. SAML Assertions and Statements) MT: Entitlement is authorization policy shipped in assertion. ML: Will take on writing on entitlements section for attributes document RL, VW: VW: Back to attributes, should we look at eduPerson? MT: eduPerson designed for directories and not people BC: Shouldn't constrain value of clearance, may be string or may be more complicated. VW: Is clearance useful if we can say what it's values are? (Lots of people have own values already) MT: Will flush out what is in 5.2, look at EduPerson for ideas. End Telecon.