Draft Minutes of OGSA-Authz telecon 3 April Present: David Chadwick Yuri Demchenko The main topic of discussion was progression of the OGSA Authz profiles. David said he wanted to get new versions out prior to the next telecon, so that there could be some discussions of them prior to the next OGF meeting in Manchester. Yuri said that his project had now implemented the CVS functionality (details can be obtained from the EGEE JRA1 meeting at http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceOtherViews.py?confId=11908&view=egee_meeting&showDate=all&showSession=all&detailLevel=contribution ) but currently it is through a java API rather than a protocol. They were now looking at making this a protocol interface as well. David said that his team had implemented both profiles, and Takuya had implemented the XACML profile in Japan. So if Yuri's team could implement the CVS profile this would be a good indication that both profiles were appropriate for grid usage. David suggested that Takuya should edit the XACML profile and produce a new version based on his implementation experiences, and that Yuri could do the same to the CVS profile once his team had implemented it. Yuri said that VOMS and shibboleth had now been combined by SWiTCH, in the VASH (VOMS Attributes in Shibboleth) subproject of EGEE, see http://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=34&sessionId=2&resId=1&materialId=slides&confId=11908. David said that his team were just starting a project to link VOMS to PERMIS, see http://sec.cs.kent.ac.uk/vpman/