Hi, Some brief notes of todays use case review. Present: Tony Fletcher, Dieter Gawlick, Peter van Santen, Malik Saheb, Torsten Steinbach Use Case discussed: Financial Instrument Trading - TWIST Presentation used: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/tm-rg/document/TWIST_-_Financial_Instrument_Trading_Use_Case/en/1 Peter: This use case is probably more interessting than the other ondes since it addresses financial sector where grid computing is already employed to some extend. Dieter: The most interessting requirement of this use case is the transaction auditability, especially of transactional communication. Torsten: Concept of transaction clearing (as discussed at GGF12 in context of trip use case) could be viewed as an extension to transaction auditability. And furthermore, this use case would also benefit from (if not require) options support. Dieter: Agrees that there is some similarity with trip use case. But this specific use case is probably more compelling due to its problem domain (as Peter already statet). Torsten: We will conclude on this use case in our next call, which will be next week (Wednesday), same time. I will organize another use case presentation as the second point for this call (have Jim in my mind with checkpointing use case). Cheers, Torsten.