Transactions RG Telcon, 19th July 2004 Minutes In attendance: Jim Webber, Torsten Steinbach, Tony Fletcher Items: 1. Chair issues Coverage has been an issue. GGF11 coverage was sporadic, GGF12 coverage uncertain (Torsten possible, Jim will fill in if necessary). This hampers the progress of the group to some extent. Additional chair may be necessary. Geographically advantageous to be in the USA or thereabouts with no qualms about travel. Tony would like to take increased role in group, day job permitting. 2. Future work direction (use case docs) It was suggested that a proforma for individual use cases in the use case document should be created to help distil the pertinent information from each use case. - Jim to generate proforma, Tony to edit final documents. It was thought that the Use case document would be an input to GGF 12 - a reasonable goal would be a first complete draft. Final "sign off" on use case document for GGF 13 would be desirable. Tony suggests the WS-Chor use case and requirements document as a good example of use case documentation. 3. GGF 12 plans Tony asks whether we will be a proper RG at GGF 12. Torsten says that we need to approach the data area chairs again with our plan. He also notes that we have done everything that has been asked of us in terms of paperwork. Torsten agreed to approach David Martin to discuss this matter which he has subsequently done. A teleconference is being arranged. Plan to have two sessions at GGF 12: Session 1: Use case document review (plus any administrative work) Session 2: At GGF 11 lots of members of the group thought it would be useful to have some level of educational assistance from existing WS transactions researchers and vendors. This assistance to consist of objective presentations of TRANSACTION MODELS not detail per se (or politics!). Presentations should be short (20-25 mins, 10-12 slides) and to the point because of time constraints. Torsten to talk to WS-AT/BA folks. Jim to talk to WS-CAF folks. Tony is a BTP folk Torsten to take to do on specifying the agenda for GGF 12. AOB It was mooted that we may need to solicit some input or liaison with the workflow group. Agree to see in which direction the use cases take us before following up. Next telcon (tentaive): 11th August 2pm BST, 3pm CET Actions: Chairs to telcon with GGF on upgrade from BoF to RG. Torsten to specify agenda for GGF 12. Torsten to invite WS-AT/BA people to present at GGF 12. Jim to invite WS-CAF people to present at GGF 12. Jim to write use case proforma. Tony to edit use cases document. Meeting adjourned.