TSC 08-31-06 Dave Snelling Tom Maguire Mark Linesch Chris Kan Geoffrey Fox Steven Newhouse Robert Fogel Andre Merzky Joel Replogle Next meeting: Sep 7 at 1400 UTC (but this overlaps with the ESC), so we need to figure out a better time. 1) Preliminaries: Minute taker assignment - Joel Attendance Call for AOB Date of Next meeting Agenda Bashing 2) Document Next Steps and Issues a - Data Provisioning b - Service Level Agreements c - Process section d - Agreement on Models e - Mark's inline Comments For a, b, and c I think a short discussion followed by assignment of a person to work on text will do. For d, we seem to agree pretty well on what Mark called " Grid Segmentation Model". I think the next step would be to identify which other models we need, and again assign interested parties. For e, I suggest I take the pen to incorporate/respond to those. Process: - Deadline for input from assignees EOB-US Friday. - I'll do my changes and incorporate what I have by EOB Tuesday. - Call for strong objections to the draft to close by EOB-US Thursday. - Final version (by me) by EOB-Japan Friday. 3) The BoD had some questions about TSC membership. 4) We need some slide we can all use based on this stuff. 5) AOB Discussion: 2. Document Next Steps & Issues a. Chris action - provide more detailed writeup on provisioning (expanding on his email) b. Concerned about TSC backing WS-agreement until it has more traction. Dave's proposal to put it on the work-list for future version of the document. Joel action - Create a tracker "work list" ->Consider how to fit Service Level Agreements into the Technical Strategy document. c. Tom action -take a stab at a process section d. question about linking the low-level use-cases & high-level "archetypal" use-cases. The EGA Reference Model came up with 200 use-cases, perhaps we can find the 5 or so common use-cases to identify them as archetypes. Dave action - add a "non-exclusive" portion to the section. Joel Action - add Work list tracker - defining/identifying service categories Deadlines for new sections EOB Friday (tomorrow, 1 Sep). Changes incorporated by EOB Tues 5 Sep then last call issued for strong objections by Thurs 7 Sep. The Dave issues final version by EOB-Japan Friday, 8 Sep. 3. Mark clarified BoD request for two additional at-large members. Specifically Applications & End-User Joel action - add to a future discussion reviewing the TSC membership/representation. 4. Question - is this really a strategy document? Geoffrey - we need to be very careful to not do yet another taxonomy. Joel - action - add Work list tracker - work more on the strategy parts 5. Who from the TSC is available for the second roll-up session? Dave, Robert, Chris, Robert action - flesh out what Dave's part (20-minutes) is for the first Roll-up section, and expectations on the second session