TSC 2007-02-14 Attendees: Robert Fogel, Chris Kantarjiev, Joel Replogle Discussion: A desire is to simplify the document & process to create a strategy document that is a bit more consumable by the grid community (vs just being understandable by a select highly technical & involved few). Look at new activity, capture that in the Roadmap & get the word out. How do we digest the new information in the pipeline (ie, requirements from an event)? New Standards & new Requirements are the deltas and adjust the document accordingly. Another delta is the state of the industry (software, Condor, Globus, Platform, etc). So Standards generates the "Standards status", Enterprise generates the "Requirements status", and eScience generates the "Industry status", and these things are taken into account in the TSC document. Another input is the TS Survey, which is in process: "Community status" For the meetings, each function would present the changes occurring in their area, and then discuss & update our strategy based on the changes. Action: Joel - create four trackers for the Standards, Requirements, Industry & Community status changes and discussions. Next meeting: 28 February, 2007 17:00 GMT (11:00 am CST).