TSC 01-03-07 Dave Snelling, Steven Newhouse, Tom Maguire, Chris Kantarjiev, Ian Foster, Joel Replogle Discussion about Geoffrey's email. Dave raised the question about where to put non-Standards related activity, and created a tracker to that effect. Steven - the TSC document is only on of the several strategy documents that OGF should be producing. Action review: Robert - write up a refresh of section 1 (prior to Christmas) Joel - ping Andrew & Franco for their archetypical use case writeups. (prior to Christmas) Joel - look over the table for improved clarity/understandability. Draft Next Steps (Subject to Action Status) Assign task to write up the gap section with reference to the archetypical use cases, Chris volunteered to be point person for gap analysis once we've received the archetypical use cases. Pass to Dave around 12 Jan for final tidying up the doc & table etc. After the 12th) he will pass the document to Ian for further editing/clarifying etc. Question - can we set the archetypical use cases aside for this first go-round? The timeframe is rather short. But we do have several actions that are dependent upon the archetypical use cases. Dave - Can we expand the list of functional use cases (changing the names to something sensible), and identified the various capabilities from the OGSA use case document (GFD.29), then we might be able to generate a gap analysis. Though this doesn't help us prioritize the list. Tom - It's good to look at the list and consider which are best solved in the OGF domain. Next steps: 1) expand the functional use cases section based on the OGSA use case document (as a reference) - Dave by 5 Jan 2007 2) clean up section 1 (possibly Robert) - by 12 Jan 3) expand the structure of the table to be more focused on the functional requirements of the use cases - Joel by 9 Jan 4) then identify where the activity in Standards already exists to address these functional requirements 5) then a gap analysis section, prioritizing the gaps that should be addressed within OGF - Chris by 12 Jan 6) Pull back into a complete document - Dave by 16 Jan 7) word-smithing by Ian week of 15 Jan. 8) last call to GFSG prior to public comment around 17 Jan. 9) Get to OGF Editor the week before OGF 19. Next call 17 Jan, 17:00 GMT.