TSC 12-13-06 Attendees: Tom Maguire, Robert Fogel, Dave Snelling, Chris Kantarjiev, Joel Replogle Goal: Figure out how much we can get accomplished by mid-January. Robert - how close it the document to the original intention? Dave - seems pretty close to the original intent. Robert - but it seems like there still is sufficient confusion/disagreement about the purpose. The document is heavily loaded, and it's difficult to extract its purpose. The purpose from the document: 1. Provide a concise view of the OGF technical direction and priorities. 2. Provide a mechanism to align key stakeholder requirements with OGF technical directions and priorities 3. Provide an indication of where more effort is needed, and what actions are needed to promote specific standards within the industry. Robert - #1 means what we're currently doing Dave - we have a scoping section and then concrete use case section. Dave - #2 "provide a mechanism..." this is what section 3 in the document is all about. "Read the document and make comments." Robert - There's 3 things: a) what we're doing b) what's being requested of us (what we should be doing) c) addressing the gap between b-a. Robert - so we need to state what we're doing and how we'll continue to work on that. So this is good and included in the document. Dave - the rendering of (b) is the use cases (and archetypical use cases). Then we get a picture of what is wanted. Dave - we already know that we need to expand the gaps section. Dave - so we need to clean up the section 1.1 Robert - I'd be happy to take a whack at slicing it in this way. Chris - I'd support whatever makes the document more accessible. Dave - makes sense that #2 above doesn't really describe the process. Need to remind/pursue Andrew & Franco for portions on archetypical use cases two priorities: 1) Robert's adaptation of the introduction 2) A gap section Tom - Issue of how you determine the gaps, but then formulating specific, addressable milestones for closing the gaps. Joel - can we also prioritize the gaps? Dave - we'll likely be short on identifying the gaps. But then where should we put the gaps section: before or after the roadmap. Tom - before the roadmap. Robert - we don't really have the concrete info about what the community wants, but we can at least document what our assumptions are regarding the community's desires. Tom - it seems like the archetypical use cases are key. Actions & other steps: Robert - writeup refresh of section 1 (prior to Christmas) Joel - ping Andrew & Franco for their archetypical use case writeups. (prior to Christmas) Joel - look over the table for improved clarity/understandability. Then, once we have the archetypical use cases, we write up the gap section. Chris volunteered to be point person for gap analysis once we've received the archetypical use cases. Then the pen will pass to Dave around 12 Jan for final tidying up the doc & table etc. Then after Dave's completed (after the 12th) he will pass the document to Ian for further editing/clarifying etc.