TSC call 4 October 2006 17:00 BST (16:00 GMT, 11:00am CDT) +44-800-085-6481 +1-888-237-8573 Passcode: 2051278 Agenda: 1) Formalities: Note taker, Attendance, Agenda bashing, Call for AOB 2) Confirm next meeting: Telecon 17:00 BST, October 18, - Note Apologies DS. 3) Action Review: Joel a - Dave: Inform BoD of a process request from TSC: Pending "Representation across different areas should be considered by NOMCOM when accepting the TSC at large members" b - All except Tom M: Review OGSA Use Cases against our three categories: Pending c - Robert: Post Roll up slides to Gridforge d - Joel: Make all of us project members 4) Document Development: a - Need an expanded process section, Tom Maguire, https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/artf5565?nav=1 b - Include an Assessment Criteria section, Robert Fogel, https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/artf5590?nav=1 c - Others time permitting. 5) Discussion Topics: - artf5574 : Open Standards vs Commercially Backed De-facto Specifications 6) AOB 7) Action review Attendees: Dave Snelling, Robert Fogel, Chris Kanterjiev, Joel Replogle Discussion: 1) minutes approved, no other business 2) Next meeting 17:00 BST Oct 18 Robert will lead the meeting with support from Joel Will use Dave's dialin info, so no number change 3) Action Review a - pending b - pending c - done d - done 4) Document Development a - Tom not on the call b - assessment criteria (Robert) Discussion about the criteria Robert submitted The grading system to take a use case to the next step of the standards process Next Step options: send to wg, start new wg, consider for future, out of scope Add (8) Do we have access to the skills/knowledge to address Q: Where should this criteria go in the document? Action: Give Robert the pen to move "Technical Strategy Alignment Process" before "High Value Use Cases", insert the Use Case Criteria with descriptions. Action: Review new version by next call c - review other trackers Joel Action - Add discussion for next call the "Path to market" tracker 5) Discussion Topics: Action all - review GFD.59 to consider making this a part of the over OGF strategy. Link - http://www.ggf.org/documents/GFD.59.pdf 6) none 7) Action Review Dave - Communicate to Board the TSC's process request: "Representation across different areas should be considered by NOMCOM when accepting the TSC at large members" All - Review OGSA Use Cases, applying prioritization criteria from Robert Tom - Expanded process section https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/artf5565 Robert - Add "Use Case Criteria" section to draft doc, moving "Alignment Process" section ahead of "Priority Use Cases" All - review other trackers Joel - Add "Path to Market" tracker discussion to next call's agenda All - Review GFD.59 for consideration in overall OGF strategy Note: Please use the "Lock/Unlock" feature of Gridforge when making changes to a document. If you'd like to edit /update a locked document, please first contact the individual with the lock.