GFS-WG #1 - Resource Namespace Service Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5pm to 6:30pm 31 participants Note taker: Osamu Tatebe (AIST) Agenda ------ - Introduction (by Osamu Tatebe, AIST) - Resource Namespace Service (by Manuel Pereira, IBM) - Status discussion about RNS Meeting ------- - Introduction (by Osamu Tatebe) * VFDS -> RNS + file system profile * new naming WG Q: Why general service is necessary? A: We would like to create fundamental core service of naming for wide adaptibility from other services and wide use. VFDS functionality can be realized by defining a profile for virtual filesystem directory service. - Resource Namespace Service (by Manuel Pereira) * RNS - A WSRF compliant Web Service that provides namespace services for any addressable entity - Easily accessible, hierarchical managed, name - document style messaging * Operation - very simple - create, delete, list, lookup, update - extensibility - deleteProperty, insertProperty, listProperties, updateProperty * Components - Virtual Directories - Junctions (Virtualized Referenes, Endpoint References, Referrals, Aliass) * Document Style Messaging - Beyond Traditional RPC - WSRF compliant - RNS IteratorContext - RNS Entry Q: Is it better to specify index for list operation by client rather than keeping it at the server side? A: There is a problem when entries of list are updated between two list opearations. In this case, offset specified by a client may be not correct. Q: Is Alias a hard link? Is reference count for a aliase? A: Yes. When a target entry (an owner of the property) of an alias is deleted, one of the aliases will become the owner of the property. Q: Can an alias point to another virtual directory. - Yes. Q: Is an alias possible to point to another service? - No, it is referral. Q: If there are multiple aliases targetting to a specific virtual directory, how do you manage the DirectoryPath? A: Even alias entry has a PID (OID for the parent directory entry). It is different from a hardlink. Q: When there is a referral during directory path resolution, what happen? A: There are two ways; service referrals and delegate resolution. (See the section "Federation of Resource Namespace Services".) Q: How does client keep an appropreate server? A: The RNS specification does not specify implementation details nor does it describe client/application capabilities. The specification only specifies a standard for the service and thereby describes the service's interface. Implementation optimizations are certainly possible and are the responsibility of the client/application implementer. A client may maintain a cache of path names, top level resolution service addresses, most appropriate RNS service address to exchange messages with, etc. Q: Does RNS support notification when something is changed to maintain consistency? A: No, not yet. We are now considering. Q: How about the uniquness in namespace? A: All of entries in a directory should have an unique name. Q: How to specify unique abstract name? D: there is big discussion about abstract name. The followings are just notes. o This is a issue of WS-naming not RNS. o how to guarantee the uniqueness (with extremely high probability) o GUID is not ensure the uniqueness o It is an extremely challenging issue to guarantee the uniquness. o MAC address is not unique. o There are several projects to see this issue. randum number generator, ... * RNS recent revision C: Many people use 'Logical Name' as a human readable name. C: 'Abstract name' is a subset of 'Logical Name' Q: How to differenciate a file and a collection? A: This may be solved by adding file system profile. Q: A client might want to know more information than Entry properties. A: It is not efficient to resolve all entries in a directory during the list operation. This also may be solved by file system profile. - OID clarification D: OID is cachable, but it is not reliable. Also, the semantics depends on implementation. Is it better that OID is not exposed in the spec? There is a problem when OID is re-used. It is ok just to describe OID is not reliable in the spec. - Status discussion about RNS - Discussion points; o Is RNS specification general enough? o How much refinement may be needed? C: It is better to finalize the document now and submit it. (And iterate the revision) C: RNS spec is almost complete. Q: Question A: Answer D: Discussion C: Comment