Minutes of CGS-WG Session #1 8-June-2004 Larry presents, Tom takes notes, Approx 24 attendees. CGS-WG Intro Larry introduces co-chairs, notes the group's mission, provides web-site URL, and encourages mail list subscription. Susan Malaika makes comment that forge.ggf.org requires login to get CGS docs. We should address this. CGS-WG Status Job Submission Information Model (JSIM) Document in 30-day public comment period http://www.ggf.org/Public_Comment_Docs/Public_Comment_Documents.htm Larry asks for review of doc and comments and explains the importance of "any" comment. Software Resource Information Model (SRIM) Larry explains that this is a work in progress in collaboration with the DAIS-WG Current model draft at https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewCategory.php?group_id=61&category_id=736 AGENDA Note on second work session Wed 8am GGF IP Policy/sign-in sheet explained and passed Review SRIM draft Discuss open issues Current SRIM Draft Use Case Document at https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/cgs-wg/document/DAIS-WG_Use_Cases/en/3 DAIS-WG continues to refine use cases Larry talks about the use-case document and explains how we came to focus on discovery, rather than Management. Introduces Susan Malaika. Explains that we need use cases that are grid centric. Susan asks for volunteers. (none) Larry explains that our work is on Logical Database Schema Model. Larry shows slide of schema and discusses the fundamentals. Open Issues Data type handling Triggers? Stored Procedures? Security?! What do the DAIS people think about this? Currently in CIM there is no adequate security model. Anyone can see the data you publish. In the case of this model, are we putting information out there that we should not? A discussion regarding authentication . . . A database management system would take care of the security? CIM should be about 'managing' those resources. Question and answers on "What is a CIM(OM)" The key piece of work is the "modeling" work. What information do you require? How to deploy? Any model would have to deal with security. Larry suggests we run this issue by Andrea Westerinen at DMTF to see what we can get from CIM in the way of security. Other groups (besides DAIS) will have this concern. To make this SRIM useful, we must have a way to include security. Even though CIM has authentication methods, this is all or nothing. We need finer grain. We need this (security) issue within a grid-centric use case . . . regarding what can be shared and what cannot be shared between VOs. Completeness w.r.t. use cases Susan suggests that stored procedures have a higher priority than triggers. Must enhance the use cases to provide examples of capability. What is it you're trying to discover? Discussion about "what one would do differently if the stored procedures become known" Index is another resource you would want to know about to determine how you would design a query. Discovery is a 'tricky' thing, more so than is the task of management. Should we look at use cases that imply only discovery? May be too fuzzy, not a crisp rendering. Discussion ensues regarding DAIS specifics. Susan and Norman hope to get everything modeled eventually. Larry suggests that this is more than what was originally agreed upon. Friendly back-and-forth . . . we need further refinement of use cases. The maximum scope is to replicate everything in a database management system. Essentially this is trying to solve a problem that the commercial world has not solved. Do we really want to create this in the framework of DAIS? If it was doable, someone would have done so. Long discussion regarding the 'whole' of this. Too involved to make notations. Larry asks "What in the grid world means you have to replicate a database?" Need a use case. Larry adds one other issue . . . XML databases. Nothing we've discussed so far will model it. Discussion . . . is there really this need? Yes. Where do we want to focus? Standards not very 'there yet' for XML. Relational DB . . . better defined standards. Meeting brought to a close...let's party!