SAGA - Security Discussion Bellflower: 9:00-10:30 Monday 29th January 2007 Goal: Ensure that the security concepts in SAGA honor the middleware OGF definition. Introduction of OGF application area items for this week by Dieter Kranzmueller. Quick presentation of the security of SAGA to new members and security members: Blair Dillaway and David de Groen. Q: (Blair Dillaway) The problem is that the middleware must be known by the user in order to setup the right context. A: (Andre) Yes indeed this is an issue that remains. At the moment we specify the technique used by the context, i.e. X509. Blair Dillaway: A more abstract solution would be better, i.e. a simple certificate. 3 proposals form David Chadwick: 1) Explicit knowledge of the application 2) Send certificates, the middleware can then recognize what to do with. 3) Send a binary block to the middleware, the middleware is super smart and can reconstruct context. Needs to implement an Oracle. Second proposal is the most realistic. Third is near impossible to implement due to the Oracle. Put a pool of certificates to the API, SAGA choose the best out of the pool. Problems: Some models might not support this or is not suited. If one certificate fits it might not support all we want to do, how do we know that? A model with login-password is often limited to 3 trials before refusing access. If the 3 first certificates fail, then we cannot connect anymore. How to handle that? Q: (Thilo) How can we make SAGA independent? A: (Andre) Have a system that is deployment dependent, not API dependent, i.e Teragrid certificate instead of an X509. Cert Token Types: TODO: Andre and Blair will synchronize by e-mail to get the necessary information. Namespace introduction. Is ACL a good choice to use? Is their any approach in the security area other then the ACL ? Simpler and better defined? Q: (Thilo) What do you want to do? A: (Andre) example from the use cases. Q: Why not have a proposal that is higher and more abstract then ACL? A: Andre asks if a "-" model is better. Yes this would be better. Another possible "urn/uri" might be. Q: (Andre) Group model? A: No difference, this is the same thing. Callback model might cause some impossibility in the implementation. Example taken from the stream API. Reuse the permission model for setting access control on streams etc. TODO: Check if semantics for setting access permissions is well defined. (Andre) Q: Notion of session management? A: No Q: (Thilo) Can the model be implemented? A: Yes TODO: Add flags in the document where the security group must check it, then send it. (Andre). Session Closed 10:10 %