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GRAAP WG Charter:

The GGF Scheduling and Resource Management Area is concerned with various issues relating to resource scheduling and resource management in Grid environments. To make use of distributed resources within the Grid at the same time to solve a problem a Super-Scheduling Service is necessary. Through this service access to and use of various resources managed by different schedulers in use within a Grid will be possible. The Grid Resource Allocation Agreement Protocol Working Group addresses the protocol between a Super-Scheduler (Grid Level Scheduler) and local Schedulers necessary to reserve and allocate resources in the Grid as a building block for this service.


This working group has the goal to produce a set of documents describing a common resource allocation agreement protocol for Grid environments. The protocol supports all negotiations a Super-Scheduler (Grid Level Scheduler) and local scheduling systems have to go through making Grid resources available to accomplish a given task, e.g. (advance) reservation, allocation, de-allocation.


Initially, the scope of this activity will comprise CPU and Networking resources. Other resources may be added as (public) scheduling interfaces become available for those types of distributed resources in the Grid.


The objective of this Working Group is to support and enhance concurrent requests of resources from different independent scheduling systems by providing an inter-scheduler protocol for communications between higher-level services, such as a Super-Scheduler or an agent acting on behalf of the user, and the independent local schedulers. Advance Reservations will be supported through this protocol.

Class of documents:

The intermediate documents will be of class information or recommendation, the final one will be a proposed standard.

A full charter is available here (pdf).


Our charter, which is available in full as pdf, has been approved by GFSG! At GGF6, the group approved a slightly revised charter, with revised milestones, which is available as pdf and html.

Milestones (including past):

End of May:First draft of the charter ready (done, charter approved)
GGF-5 WG meeting:Discussion of the charter, SchedWD 12.2, SNAP; next Steps (done)
GGF-6 WG meeting:Grid RAA Protocol: Discussion of Use Cases to procure requirements (done)
GGF-7 WG meeting:Grid RAA Protocol: Description of Requirements ready
GGF-8 WG meeting:Grid RAA Protocol: Description of Operations ready
GGF-9 WG meeting:Description of Leverage/Interaction with other Grid Service Standards
GGF-10 WG meeting:Grid RAA Protocol: First Description of Bindings ready
GGF-11 WG meeting:Final Grid RAA Protocol specification ready
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/9163?download=14163 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 19:50:52 GMT