This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/8006?download=12526 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:07:23 GMT Storage Repository Abstraction - Dec 2003 - Reagan Moore

Storage Repository Abstraction - Dec 2003 - Reagan Moore

Storage Repository Abstraction     Dec 2003
Reagan W. Moore
San Diego Supercomputer Center
A comparison of the function calls issued by five different systems has been conducted
(Dec 2002).  The systems include the Storage Resource Broker (SRB), Condor (Chirp),
dCache access protocol (DCCP), RFIO functions used in Root, and the MPI-IO access functions.
Each system implements a set of C library calls, which use the specified operation prepended
by a C library call prefix.  (For example srbopen,, dc_open, rfio_open, MPI_FILE_open)
An "x" in a cell of the following table indicates that the function is provided.
Application I/O support SRB Chirp DCCP RFIO RIO/MPI-IO
C library call prefix srbFilecall dc_call rfio_call MPI_FILE_call
create x   x    
open x x x x x
close x x x x x
unlink x x   P  
read x x x x x
write x x x P x
lseek seek   x x  
write_at         x
read_at         x
fopen x     x  
fread x     x  
fwrite x     x  
fclose x     x  
fseek x        
sync x        
stat x        
fstat x        
mkdir x        
rmdir x        
chmod x        
opendir x        
closedir x        
readdir x        
perror x   x    
pread     x    
close2     x    
setReplyHostName     x    
getDcapVersion     x    
setDebugLevel     x    
debug     x    
sterror     x    
noBuffering     x    
setBufferSize implicit   x    
stage x   x    
rename x x      
move x        
copy x        
replicate x        
delete x       x
set_size         x
preallocate         x
get_size         x
check     x    
unsafeWrite     x    
access       P  
parse       P  
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/8006?download=12526 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:07:23 GMT