Enterprise Grid Requirements Research Group Global Grid Forum, ARCH Area Administrative Information Enterprise Grid Requirements Research Group: EGR-RG Chairs: Toshiyuki (Toshi) Nakata (NEC Corporation) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel Corporation) Secretary(s)/Webmaster(s): Satoshi Itoh (AIST) Email list: egr-rg@ggf.org Web page: http://forge.ggf.org/projects/egr-rg Charter *Focus/Purpose The GGF community is developing a roadmap for the Open Grid Services Architecture. A number of companies are actively exploring the use of web services and potentially OGSA to provide flexible, enterprise-wide services that incorporate resources as multiple locations, e.g. at multiple data centers. Similarly, there is a growing number of customers who are seeking enterprise grid services. A variety of descriptions have been used to describe these enterprise grid capabilities, such as “on-demand,” “utility” and “automated” or “autonomic” computing. The purpose of this research group is to identify key technical requirements and common approaches to enterprise grid computing. *Scope The work of this research group should include both an examination of technical requirements and an exploration of common use cases for enterprise (on-demand, utility, automated, etc.) grid systems. The group will engage end users (in this case those who are seeking to deploy enterprise grid systems) in developing use cases and prioritizing common requirements. The group expects to engage the OGSA-WG to provide application use cases and prioritized input from consumers. In addition, the group expects to engage other GGF groups and outside groups, e.g. the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). *Goals This research group will begin with a survey of intended deployment scenarios, or use cases. Common requirements will be identified and prioritized. All documents are intended to be informational. *Milestone Mar 2004: BOF with invited short presentations from 4-6 “producers” and 4-6 “consumers” Mar 2004: Outline: “A Survey of Enterprise Grid Deployments” Jun 2004: WORKSHOP: “Enterprise Grid Solutions and Deployments” (propose full day) Jun 2004: Draft: “A Survey of Enterprise Grid Deployments” Jul 2004: Final: “A Survey of Enterprise Grid Deployments” Jul 2004: Outline: “Common Requirements for Enterprise Grids” Oct 2004: Draft: “Common Requirements for Enterprise Grids” November 2004: Final: “Common Requirements for Enterprise Grids”