Minutes of the Conference call to discuss the OGSI Primer on 2nd July 2003. Participants: Abdeslem Djaoui Savas Parastatidis Tim Banks Krishna Sankar David Snelling Regrets: None 1. Review of minutes from the meeting at GGF8. These items are to be entered as tracker items for change in GridForge. Notes from the GGF8 meeting (thanks, Dave Snelling) and notes from discussions during the call are contained in the relevant Tracker item. 287 Interoperability issues (Assigned to Krishna) 288 Stateless/Stateful debate 289 Multiple arguments to an extensible op 290 OGSI and Identity 291 Define the audience for the Primer 293 Section on Locators is unclear 294 Need summary diagram of grid portTypes 295 Advice on GWSDL -> WSDL translation 296 Advise on the need to describe semantics The issue of notating semantics for extensible operations was added to item 289. Also discussed: - The issue of programming guidelines of WSDL, and the need for documentation. This, it was decided, was an issue for WSDL in general, not for OGSI. WSDL documents must contain annotations or references to documents describing the semantics of the service. - Compliance: this is not an issue that GGF or OGSI can address. 2. Process/management issues: o Gridforge: Discussion of reviewing process. Dave prposed using multiple copies of the document for review purposes. Recruitment of reviewers from the spec authors can take place as sections are finished. Dave/Tim to experiment with Gridforge. Working drafts will be managed via Gridforge locks in private workspace. Tim has the pen after the call. 3. Any other business: o Comment: Terminology in the picture in section 3.1.2 (publish/find/invoke) is not what is used in web services. Use 'bind', not 'invoke' for consistency. (-> gridforge) Meeting adjourned- remaining items carried over to next call. Next call - 4pm UK time, Wednesday July 9th (and weekly thereafter) using the same number (020 7162 2149). No passcode needed. Agenda: o Progress on New material/Tracker items? o Meaning of 'nillable'