Minutes of the Conference call to discuss the OGSI Primer on 01 October 2003. Participants: Tim Banks Dave Snelling Savas Parastatidis Regrets: Adbeslem Djaoui Anbazhagan Mani 1. Review of minutes from the call on 17th September. 2. Process/management issues. - The next GGF meeting is close. Discuss our progress report. Chapters 1 to 3 are ready for comments from the community. Dave will find reviewers for the rest of the chapters later, when more chapters are considered complete. - Discuss GGF agenda and the presentation of the identified issues with the spec. Some of the identified issues should be raised for discussion. After the GGF we should go through the tracker items and close them. Agreed on a time plan for finishing the primer: o Attempt to finish a first draft of all chapters by the end of October o Chapters will be available for review (mainly by OGSI authors). Reviewers will be given until end of November. o Finish by end of December. Make available a PDF version of the primer based on v21. (ACTION: Tim). 3. Questions/discussion/new text - Discuss document restructuring (will revisit after GGF) Suggested split of chapter 3 will be discussed after the GGF. - Issue raised by Savas on the interoperability of the WSDL representation of a GSR. Issue will be raised during the GGF meeting. If not addressed, it will be submitted as a tracker. 4. Review process / feedback 5. Outstanding assignements o Clarify semantics of servicedata/destroy - Tim Banks o Section 7 gridService portType- Tim Banks (No input needed, making progress) o Section 11 - Notification details - Adbeslem o Sections 6,9 - Service Groups and Registries - Possibly Adbeselem o Section 10 - Factories - Savas to complete the section with an example o Security Issues, Section 12 - Krishna Sankar o GridForge tracker items o Savas to create a list and send it to Dave (done) o Savas to create trackers with the issues (pending) o As some of the sections are completed, we will send a message to the OGSI working group mailing list for people to review them. When a request for a section review is made to the list, Dave will request one of the OGSI specification authors to review it as well and provide us with feedback. Next call - 4pm UK time, Wednesday October 1st (and weekly thereafter) using the same number (020 7162 2149). No passcode needed. Agenda: Progress on Assignments/Tracker items, Questions for resolution.