Minutes of the Conference call to discuss the OGSI Primer on 5th November 2003. Participants: Abdeslem Djaoui Tim Banks Jem Treadwell Dave Snelling Savas Parastatidis Regrets: Anbazhagan Mani 1. Review of minutes from the call on 29th October. No changes needed. 2. Process/Management o Reviewing by OGSI Spec authors: Agreed a two week window for review of chapters 1-5. Dave will distribute invitations to the authors. Work will continue on the other chapters, but 1-5 must remain 'locked' by the reviewers during this time. In preparation for the review by the OGSI authors, Jem, Tim and Savas will lock the complete document for short periods to answer comments, accept previous changes and give a final quality check. (Jem Wednesday, Tim Thursday, Savas Friday) 3. Reviewing/New material o Description of WSDL: using C++ as ananalogy is too restrictive. WSDL describes message exchanges. Savas will update chapter 4. o Comments from Jem and Chris Dabrowski have been merged into the working copy. - Recommends minimising use of WSDL. Agreed to put full WSDL in chapter 4 only, then use snippets to illustrate new topics. Full WSDL can be placed in an appendix. Assignements o section 4 updates (Work on comments. Savas.) o Sections 1-5, review/comment/update (Jem/TIm/Savas) o Section 6-7 Implementations, Tim o Section 8 gridService portType & Clarify semantics of servicedata/destroy - Savas Parastadisis o Section 9 - 1st Draft complete. Review/consolidation - Tim. o Section 10 - How to create and manage registries - Abdeselem o Section 11 - Factory example. Savas o Section 12 - Notification details - Anbazhagan Mani o Security Issues, Section 13 - Not assigned o GridForge tracker items Next call - 4pm UK time, Wednesday November 12th (and weekly thereafter) using the same number (020 7162 2149). No passcode needed. Agenda: Progress on Assignments/Tracker items, Questions for resolution.