Minutes of the Conference call to discuss the OGSI Primer on 12th November 2003. Participants: Abdeslem Djaoui Tim Banks Jem Treadwell Savas Parastatidis Regrets: Anbazhagan Mani David Snelling 1. Review of minutes from the call on 5th November. No changes needed. 2. Reviewing/New material Discussion of the meaning of SOA, section 2.3. Jem suggested a reference to a definition. Tim to review and implement Discussion of chapter 5 - concepts.Recommended reordering of the subsections which introduce concepts to become: Extension/Factory & Instances/Lifetimes/Grid References/Identity/Service Data/Extensibility/Notification/Faults/Basic Services Tim or Savas to implement, followed by review by Abdeslem/Jem and re-review next week. Assignements o Section 5, review/comment/update (Jem/TIm/Savas) o Section 6-7 Implementations, Tim o Section 8 gridService portType & Clarify semantics of servicedata/destroy - Savas Parastadisis o Section 9 - 1st Draft complete. Review/consolidation - Tim. o Section 10 - How to create and manage registries - Abdeselem o Section 11 - Factory example. Savas o Section 12 - Notification details - Anbazhagan Mani o Security Issues, Section 13 - Not assigned o GridForge tracker items Next call - 4pm UK time, Wednesday November 19th (and weekly thereafter) using the same number (020 7162 2149). No passcode needed. Agenda: Progress on Assignments/Tracker items, Questions for resolution.