Minutes of the Conference call to discuss the OGSI Primer on 28th January 2004. Participants: Tim Banks Jem Treadwell Dave Snelling Regrets: Savas Parastatidis Abdeslem Djaoui 1. Organisation/process/management. Abdeslem will be unavailable on calls for 3 weeks 2. Review of new material: Reviewed Section 7.1, 7.3, chapters 9 and 10. Changes incorporated into version 68 of the doc. Current status Abstract -------- Chapter 1 About this doc Complete, but need to review forward references at a late stage. Chapter 2 Grid requirements Complete Chapter 3 Background tech Complete Chapter 4 Describing Complete Chapter 5 Concepts Complete Chapter 6 Implementation. Reviewed by Jem on 27th Jan. Tim to Complete Chapter 7 USing Grids Complete - Reviewed 28th Jan Chapter 8 GridService Savas to complete Chapter 9 HandlResolver Complete - Reviewed 28th Jan. Chapter 10 ServiceGroup Complete - Reviewed 28th Jan. Chapter 11 Factory Ready for review Chapter 12 Notification. Reviewed 10th December, comments added to master copy as markup - Mani to incorporate Chapter 13 Security Chapter 14 Advanced Topics Chapter 15 Glossary Chapter 16 Author info Index Next call - 4:30pm UK time, Wednesday February 4th using the same number (020 7162 2149). No passcode needed. Agenda on Feb 4th: Review chapters 6 and 11 (possibly 8, too).