Minutes of the Conference call to discuss the OGSI Primer on 18th February 2004. articipants: Tim Banks Jem Treadwell Regrets: Abdeslem Djaoui Dave Snelling Savas Parastatidis 1. Organisation/process/management. 2. Review of new material: Reviewed status - New material for chapter 8 was reviewed by Savas during the week Discussed input to the security section. Jem suggested as a suource OGSA Roadmap Summary. Current status Abstract -------- Rewritten Chapter 1 About this doc Complete Chapter 2 Grid requirements Complete Chapter 3 Background tech Complete Chapter 4 Describing Complete Chapter 5 Concepts Complete Chapter 6 Implementation. Complete Chapter 7 USing Grids Complete Chapter 8 GridService Complete Chapter 9 HandlResolver Complete Chapter 10 ServiceGroup Complete Chapter 11 Factory Complete Chapter 12 Notification. Complete Chapter 13 Security Needs work Chapter 14 Glossary Complete Chapter 15 Author info Complete Index Partial Next call - 4:30pm UK time, Wednesday February 25th using the same number (020 7162 2149). No passcode needed.