Minutes of the Conference call to discuss the OGSI Primer on 20th August 2003. Participants: Adbeslem Djaoui Tim Banks Regrets: Savas Parastatidis 1. Review of minutes from the call on 13th August. (unable to post the minutes on Gridforge) 2. Process/management issues: o Schedule and progress. Looks tight Adbeslem will concentrate on section 6 (concepts of discovery, binding and ServiceGroups) and leave section 11 for the moment since the latter is a place for detail and less crucial. o Savas on vacation 17th August -> 31st o Adbeslem on vacation 2nd September 23rd. 3. Questions/discussion/new text Outstanding assignements o Clarify semantics of servicedata/destroy - Tim Banks o Section 7 gridService portType- Tim Banks (No input needed, making progress) o Section 11 - Notification details - Not assigned o Sections 6,9 - Service Groups and Registries - Adbeselem o Section 10 - Factories - Savas o Security Issues, Section 12 - Krishna Sankar o GridForge tracker items Next call - 4pm UK time, Wednesday August 27th (and weekly thereafter) using the same number (020 7162 2149). No passcode needed. Agenda: Progress on Assignments/Tracker items, Questions for resolution.