Grid Resource Allocation Agreement Working Group (GRAAP-WG) Session minutes OGF 25 March 2-6, 2009 Catania, Italy Minute taker: Dominic Battré GRAAP Session #1: Experience Document ------------------------------------- [Details: see slides on GridForge [1]] - Progress since last OGF - sent survey to various projects, received 7 replies - had discussions about negotiation on top of WS-Agreement and decided not to wait for WS-Agreement version 2 but create extension that allows multi-round negotiation without breaking compatibility -> need extension of states but that does not break compliance to WS-Agreement - Experience document - presentation of structure of document (see GridForge [2]) - Open issues -> who will work on what? - Rationale for writing the document: Oliver, Wolfgang - Some project descriptions currently blank, Dominic will check whether questionnaires provide sufficient input. Otherwise fall back to the people specified below: - Akogrimo (Bastian Koller) -> fill questionnaire - BREIN (Bastian) - BEinGRID BEs (Igor) - JSS - SmartLM (Oliver & Wolfgang) - Section about generic WS-Agreement frameworks -> coordinated by Dominic -> write for each framework: - dependencies (middleware stack, specifications) - ... - Wolfgang will pass list of items to Dominic & Oliver for completion and generation of questionnaire - forward questionnaire to - WSAG4J -> Oliver - BREIN framework -> Bastian - NegMgr -> Dominic - see below - Section about interoperation Testing -> Dominic & Oliver -> coordinated by Oliver - Comments from Projects taken from survey -> Dominic - Suggestion for new section: add analysis, which parts are used by implementations and which parts are not used -> Igor - Further procedure: first we generate a beta version of the document, then circulate to everybody who gave input (for updates/changes) - input from GFSG regarding interoperability demonstration: - Need true interoperability of two independent code bases -> Both use same template - Issue: Hosting environments incompatible - adapters are ok to circumvent incompatibilities of hosting environments -> demonstration will be job submission with best effort jobs - we will include an interoperable template in experience document, afterwards we will write a new document discussing various use cases and interoperability - Discussion on "WS-Agreement Frameworks" section in experience document - have created list of criteria -> Wolfgang sends this to Oliver & Dominic for another iteration - possible answers to several questions will be: "automatically handled by framework", "can be implemented in domain specific implementation", "not supported" - Should we found a new group for Negotiation? -> no, just add an extension since Negotiation is based on WS-Agreement 1.0 and only requires small changes resulting in WS-Agreement 1.1 - update Charta to include Negotiation (Wolfgang) - GFSG expressed desire to specify term languages (eg. for Advance Reservation) - Some topics shall be addressed at SLA Workshop in Dagstuhl: - 1/2 day on Microspec for advanced reservation as JSDL Extension (WSDL files), will be passed to JSDL working groups - 1/2 day on negotiation (definition of WSDL files) - Presentation by Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, UoM - SLA terms/metrics/... for domains are NOT specified in WS-Agreement -> Proposal of semantic annotation - semantic annotation = reference to ontology - provides semantic interoperability - no need to change WS-Agreement - Annotation by SAWSDL, is backwards compatible - tools: SASLA4j library - Comments: very interesting, might fit well into metrics of WS-Agreement GRAAP Session #2: Negotiation ------------------------------------- - Implementation for Negotiation exists for SmartLM based on WSAG4J framework - started with negotiation - will be extended to re-negotiation - see slides for details - legal issues need to be discussed (how long is old agreement valid in case of renegotiation) - discussion: - during iterations of negotiation the creation constraints remain the same - is the document passed during the negotiation and the template really the same? -> seems ok - should negotiate be allowed to return >1 template at a time? - yes, simpler for a client to handle this - should negotiate accept >1 template as parameter? - no, user can send several requests sequentially. Advantage: easier for the agreement responder to find out what the agreement initiator wants. -> requests to change: - NegotiateOutputType: - minOccurs="0" - maxOccurs="unbound" - superseding state missing - will be added -> Oliver + Wolfgang - How do we address PendingAgreementFactories? - First ignore this, then ask for input on first version of WSDL files from GRAAP mailing list and work on PendingAgreementFactory in parallel - Do we need an exception for the provider to tell that it is not willing to renegotiate any further? -> No, WS-Agreement has too limited exception features, needs a general overhaul there as well -> it could be put in the final agreement ("this is the last offered agreement") - Usecases for validation of (re-)negotiation: - Graceful termination - Service Responder wants to make changes - Service Initiator wants to make changes - Broker Scenario (broker collects offers) - quote is accepted/rejected / no quote generated - maybe more in wiki - is an extension of agreement context needed? - tracking quotes? - superseding of agreements - maybe, Oliver creates proposal -> proposal of document ready by SLA workshop in Dagstuhl (Oliver & Wolfgang) GRAAP Session #3: ----------------- cancelled