Session place: OGF21, Seattle, USA, Oct 18th, 2007, 1.30 pm-3.00pm Session name: Remote Instrumentation Services in Grid Environment (RISGE-RG) Session leader: Marcin Plociennik , PSNC, Poland Attendance: 14 participants Presentations: 1. Ocean Observing System Instrument Network Infrastructure (SENSORS), Observatory Middleware Framework (OMF), Ocean Observing Initiative: Network for Ocean Research, Interaction and Application (NORIA) projects - Duane Edgington 2. Service Oriented Architectures for Remote Instrumentation - Michael Sutter 3. RINGrid: Evaluation of Remote Instrumentation Infrastructures - Thomas Prokosch 4. Grid enabled Remote Instrumentation with Distributed Control and Computation - Roberto Pugliese Additionally there was related presentation during general sessions: 5. Real-time Web 2.0: Evolution of Middleware for Grid based Instruments and Sensors, by Donald F. (Rick) McMullen You can find all presentations in GridForge: Discussion: * The group agrees to start by building a detailed roadmap as a first step. * The group agrees in parallel to collect from each project or institution involved in the RISGE group short abstract about research, contacts to be provided on GridForge webspace and wiki * Costas Kotsokalis proposes the following: - Start with soliciting use cases from group participants and other groups of interest - Build a common use case, i.e. the least common denominator of all use cases, or a superset of them. - Describe common use case ala OGSA document, identify requirements and necessary capabilities in the same style - Proceed by establishing WG to standardise the relevant capabilities * Thomas Prokosch suggests that maybe the description of the common use case implies a WG by itself. The group discusses about this, agrees to go for a WG later on (when we are ready to propose normative descriptions of interfaces) * Marcin Plociennik says that a template for the use cases must be identified soon so that we start collecting input ASAP. Mat Viljoen suggests we use the OGSA use case template. * Marcin Plociennik proposes meetings roadmap: OGF22, OGF23, OGF24. Suggests possible meeting at INGRID'08, Italy ( to be discussed with INGRID conference organizer's). The group agrees to disseminate relevant CfP and try to have a meeting there if enough participants show up. * Discussion on relevant community for Visualization and Steering, who had a meeting just before RISGE-RG. Some discussion must take place to identify commonalities and look into the possibility of the two groups merging. The final decision is on them, as the RISGE-RG is already established. * Marcin Plociennik proposed group logo and common template for the presentations * End of discussion, farewell; Next meeting in Boston, OGF22.