David, Unfortunately this clashes with another session I need to attend. Because of travel restrictions we will not be having sessions this time - however there will definitely be INFOD sessions at OGF21 However progress has been very good. We have submitted a revised specification (today). It took a lot of work and long discussions to get it finalised. We continue to have a phone call each week to drive the work forward. The main non-commercial implementation project with much of the effort from the University of Texas, Knoxville is moving forward well. Phone meetings are held on Mondays and there is a Wiki at http://panda.ece.utk.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/INFODutk. The implementation will be open-source with a phased implementation plan. Currently work is going on creating the key components and interfaces as web-services. The work is initially being layered on top of existing commercial systems. So everything is going to plan. We also see that a document has been submitted on the experimental track by E Huh "via INFOD-WG". This came as something of a surprise though we were aware that some work was going on. Steve