OGF20 OGSA Data WG session Key points arising Replication scenario - Could have multiple instances of this scenario, e.g. showing how the same interfaces could map to vendor-specific mechanisms, alternative OGSA implementations, storage-level implementation, etc. - UVa have a replication system using WS-Name resolvers instead of a replica catalogue. - Need a monitoring system to notify the replica catalogue when replicas become unavailable. Or the Data Service 3 could update the catalogue when it encounters a failure (but then when would it get back online?) - Need to show how naming works across this scenario. Ditto security? Federation scenario - Need to discuss naming. Is there a common name space? Policy - V. interesting discussion. Passing policy information as expliit arguments may not be sufficient because some entities are created in response to other actions - e.g. a BES container may create a file. UVa are passing policy info in the SOAP header and services are passing this along. - Policy choice may depend on the user, on where in the RNS hierarchy the entity is created, on the physical location, on the type of resource, ... - Reagan has implemented a policy management system This has a namespace for the policy rules, a namespace for the services and namespace for policy outcomes (e.g. when was replica A last verified). File sets - Someone asked about managing sets of files. From our point of view, if you can name a set of files, we can accommodate them. Ditto with file versions. Perhaps we need to add a service (in v2!) that manages large sets of files? Andrew pointed out that RNS can do this but what if people want to organise these at the WS-Name level? Perhaps this is just a variation on a registry? Storage directory operaions I'm still not convinced that these are separate from the RNS operations.