OGF 21, GRAAP-WG, session minutes Minutes taken by Oliver Wäldrich and Philipp Wieder [Contents of slides not reported, please refer to presentations on GridForge.] Session #1 ---------- Topic: general issues and interoperability testing - Wolfgang gave an overview of the actions taken since the last OGF - WIKI pages o New WIKI pages online o Negotiation issues o Renegotiation wish-list - Definition of the interoperability tests o No compliance tests o Does not address security issues o It is on the group to define the interop. scenario and apply this definition. o Definition of the testing scenarios + Hello world + Simple script calling echo + Synchronous invocation of the agreement service (scenario 1) Basis for current interop. test + Asynchronous invocation of the agreement service (scenario 2) via pending agreement factory - Status interoperability test o Oliver & Dominic have set up a test environment, full interop. on protocol level is not yet achieved. o WSRF problems solved. Found new issues like e.g. namespaces. o Oliver reports that the main problems are regarding the implementation. Bugs in Muse -> next step to create and send patches to Muse developers o GIN requested interop. tests at SC'07, but this is not yet possible - Structure of the interoperability testing specification document o Informational document + Document online on the WIKI + Philipp will provide a template for the interoperability document during the OGF [Action, DONE] + Wolfgang and Oliver will describe the scenarios of in the interop document until end of the month [Action, first week Nov.] o Description of the scenarios o Description of the starting position o Description of the components o Should include an Appendix with environment details - SORMA, ASKALON could take up the interop. testing doc and also make the tests and report back to GRAAP - Take doc to ASKALON and ask them to also do the work [Action, Wolfgang] - Experience report o Will follow once the tests have been executed o Experience doc is the formal one going to the GFSG, the use case doc is less formal and more for the community - Roadmap o Interop. testing specification doc at OGF 22 o Scenario 1 implementation until end of 2007 o Scenario 2 soft target OGF 22. Then team up with GIN at OGF 22. Session #2 ---------- Topic: Discussion on term language issues - Motivation o Addressing the latest JSDL changes o Terms for specifying license and network terms o Terms for defining KPI - New microspec for defining KPI targets o clarify KPI o Omar will provide some input how KPI target are mapped to operational targets o GSA will potentially provide input in terms of the Scheduling Description Language (SDL) microspec o SDL could be used for defining KPI - Microspec should contain a selection and description of terms (Glossary) - Responsibilities for Microspecs o Wolfgang: Licenses o Oliver: Network o Omar: KPI - Omar suggested to have a survey of what is out there (e.g. in terms of KPI and network) instead of a microspec o KPI: http://kpilibrary.com/ o Network: Network Markup Language, Network measurement WG - Definition of Guarantee terms o Dominic mentioned that scheduling guarantees are needed - Discussion on how WS-Agreement relates on workflows o Should people be able to express complex Workflows within SLAs? + Failure handling could be very hard + Implementation issues + Workflow languages already in place o Outcome of the discussion: + WS-Agreement can represent a workflow + A WS-Agreement SLA can be part of a workflow (e.g. BPEL) + But WS-Agreement should not be used as workflow description language - Start of discussion of WS-Negotiation o Sebastian Hudert send his thesis on "Collaboration in the Area of SLA Negotiations in the Grid"; which could provide interesting input for WS- Negotiation o Philipp will clarify if we may put Sebastians work on the WIKI or not o [Action, Michael] Looking into the work from Hudert o Goals: first draft skeleton for WS-Negotiation for next OGF o Presentation by Michael Parkin on Contract Renegotiation Protocol o [Action, Bastian] Evaluate the presentations from the OGF 20 workshop wrt to re-negotation Session #3 ---------- Topic: WS-Agreement negotiation - Use case discussion: Three are currently on the list o More details regarding the uses cases are needed for better understanding o Input from Michael (Grid super-scalar: changeable resource demand over time), Omer, ... o Co-allocation use case from VIOLA from Wolfgang, Omer to annotate with SORMA o Template for use cases needed: parties involved, messages, ... - Proposal: use cases --> derive requirements --> evaluate against the existing protocols --> chose one and see what the community thinks about it - [Michael, Action] Evaluation of existing protocols to be put into the use case document - Starting point for neg. protocol o bi-lateral negotiations o nothing like auctions - Existing number of protocol proposals: 4 - Need to have a plan for the future. Do we want to have a neg. protocol? -> Group decision: YES - Is the neg. protocol part of WS-Agreement? - No, a separate document, but related - Session summary o WS-Agreement is done and should not be modified (therefore, issues like EU contract law are out of scope at the moment) o Negotiation precedes the creation of the SLA which is done according to WS-Agreement o We have to look into the issues of renegotiation - Decision: Change of telecom frequency to very four weeks (possibility to have more) - Hook up with European Collaboration group TG3 to enlarge community