OGSA Attributes (Mary Thompson) What to standize attributes for compabaility between policy writes, PDPs, PEPs Existing standards: X.509 ACs, SAML, XACML, Shibboleth Want to use/learn from these Summary of X.509 ACs Summary of SAML Attribute Assertions & Statements Summary of XACML Context Summary of Shibboleth Comparison of above technoligies -Number of subjects (usually one) -Represent multi values (all) -Predefined attribute identifiers (not SAML) -Dig Sig (not XACML) -Attribute meta-data (not SAML) -Associate with subject or principal (All, XCAML from subject context) -Attribute identifier format (each different) -Encoding (ASN.1, XML) Markus: XACML cannot associate with issuer since it has no signature Proposed elements Raj: Issuer may be implied David: can really have 0 values and dataTypes? Really not requirements (all optional), but is ontology and common uses Stanadars attributes discussion David: Need to make sure we don\'t repeat EduPerson and LDAP mistakes and specify attribute meanings well Andrew: Can we really avoid having same attributes names meaning different things? We\'d like to... David: Real problem is two organizations using same attribute to mean different things