Conventions for for NM-WG Web Service Namespace URI 1. Introduction It is useful to have a consistent, documented format for all the namespace URI's used in Web Service Descriptional Language (WSDL) documents produced by the group. This way, the relationship of the evolving WSDL specifications to the working group documents, and to each other, is clear and specified only once. 2. Background The choice of URI format is based on the OASIS Web Services Resource Framework [WSRF] URI format. Presently, WS-RF is the most important set of WSDL specifications related to this work, therefore mimicking its URI format is a natural way to reduce unnecessary duplication in this space. 3. URI Specification A typical WS-RF namespace URI is: which can be abstracted to:[-draft[-]].wsdl Based on this, the NM-WG URI would look like:[-draft[-]].wsdl 4. Examples Given this textual description: "The first draft of version 1.0 of the NetworkMeasurements web service description, published on July 2004 in the GGF Network Measurements working group" the formulation above would produce this URI: 5. References [WSRF] 6. Authors Dan Gunter (