Minutes of Grid File System BoF Session June 28, 2003 GGF8, Seattle * Proposed Chair - Osamu Tatebe (Grid Technology Research Center, AIST) + Grid Datafarm * Examples of large-scale (proprietary) data grid technologies that handle grid files or data sets - Legion, Avaki - SDSC Storage Resource Broker (SRB) - AIST Grid Datafarm - EDG (w/ Replica location service) - Farsite, OceanStore - AFS, DFS, ... * Relationship to Grid services - File management and access control issues - billions of GSHs, google style vs yahoo directory style - Consistency management issues - Security issues * Example: Core Services for Reliable File System Services - Virtual Filesystem Directory Service (VFDS) (Hierarchical namespace with filesystem metadata, unique path name, access control, write lock, application-specific metadata) - Replica location service - File transport service VFDS provides hierarchical namespace with filesystem metadata on top of replica location service. - Points of discussion on the example Is it possible to provide locking and ACLs at this higher level? - These functionalities are not an indispensable requirement but a recommended feature. The implementation is a research issue. Does the directory service include descriptive attributes? - Yes. * Proposed Charter Grid File System Research Group explores issues related to file system based data sets in grid computing environments. We are interested in the possibility of federating namespace of data sets in the existing physical file systems and other storage resources. The research group will also investigate on managing file like data sets through the application of grid service oriented architecture. The objective of the group is to provide a forum for discussing approaches to facilitate sharing data sets using a file system based view of grid data and to promote the use of common services provided by other working groups. Initially, the proposed research group aims to identify the requirements and functionalities for Grid file systems. To achieve this goal, we undertake the following tasks: - Survey research projects and products related to the Grid and wide-area filesystems - Organize and document requirements of Grid filesystems from application's perspective - Points of discussion Should this group form a WG not RG? - First RG, standardization could be done in WG later. * 1-year milestone Jun 2003, GGF8 BoF Oct 2003, GGF9 First draft of a survey and a requirement documents Mar 2004, GGF10 Provide examples of service oriented file system federation Jun 2004, GGF11 Final version of documents will be submitted - Points of discussion Not fine/complete enough: be more specific Need to estimate interest * Relationship to other GGF groups - OREP-WG - GridFTP-WG, DT-RG, GHPN-RG - DAIS-WG - OGSI-WG, OGSA-WG - Points of discussion What is relationship to DAIS file access work? - DAIS deals with existing file systems, and relates functionality to that. * Administrative issues - Chair + Osamu Tatebe + More volunteers needed from US and Europe - Secretary + Need a volunteer - URL http://phase.hpcc.jp/ggf/gfs-rg/ * Participant Counts # Participants: 66 Almost all participants of the BoF session supports the formation of the group. The participants included co-chairs from DAIS-WG, OREP-WG and other related groups. Some of the participants volunteered in delivering documents that could be used by the group.