OGSA-RSS Session #1 Feb 14, 2006 Notes by Mathias Dalheimer Introduction by Mathias ####################### Reminder: We have a new mailing list There is a service description document, please read it! Donals intro of his spec V.01 ############################# -> See his slides Previous Decission - RSS Services do not commit - no AR in scope - not dealing with workflow - does not stay how to generate candidates (up to service implementors) - services should be composable - should allow for large responses (consider candidates from the whole EGEE) Specification Core - CSG is an abstract interface - maps input document to "set of candidates - candidates should be ordered -> Some questions regarding the ordering, just to make it clear - Binding to WS-*: WS-Enumeration fits very well EPS is language Specialization of CSG - Input: decorated JSDL - Candidate is tuple (JSDL, BES-EPR, QoS) - CSG Concept usable elsewhere Simple Candidate Ordering Language - Proposal at gridforge - can embed other ordering languages - language description, see slides Q Stephen: How big can the candidate set be? A Donal: Can be large since JSDL must be concretized. Q Marek: Do we have a weighting of the candidate properties. A Donal: This is just a math language where you can do everything. Q Andrew: Should the input to the CSG not a list of resources to look at? A Donal: No. CSG will discover those. Q Stephen: What values will win the evaluation? A Donal: Low wins. You could use the abs function to cut out values "too" bad. Comment Andrew: CSG finds out where it is possible, EPS figures out which is best. But fine if we collapse it together to one. Marek: Plan execution for workflows, then you might need it -> but out of scope for the moment. Andrew: Focus down on cases. We know we have to handle workflows, keep that in mind. But keep focus on the initial case of use cases. Here: Single JSDL jobs, and how to chunk them through the system. Overall feedback from the group: - We are going into the right direction - Keeping things abstract seems to be a good idea Marek uses the remainder of the time for his presentation of ASKALON interfaces.