Summary of the discussion at the CIM-GIS / Schema for Interoperability BoF The well visited BoF (ca. 90 people) took place on July 23, 2002 at GGF 5 in Edinburgh During and after the presentations following topics were discussed: Requirements: - need of classification and taxonomies for grid services - use the UML like CIM to modell classes for resources - CIM already represents device level and physical level fairly complete, the upper network levels are not yet well defined - service definitions is much needed for OGSA ("everything is a service, resource or not") GGF and DMTF: - feedback to DMTF needed, to have the classes defined by GGF standardized - Why not have DMTF just do this? * they don't have the knowledgeabout specific grid computing needs * alliance with DMTF is standard approach * we need it now! - Question is DMTF free and open? yes and almost. The published versions can be freely used. The newest Version is only accessible by DMRF members until it gets published CIM and GLUE-schema: - CIM as base technology - use GLUE-schema as requirement for the modelling work (what the minimal scope should be) - Since GLUE-schema was an ad-hoc effort it should not be too normative Other questions - Would CIM be usable for defining ontologies? Yes basically CIM is a ontology definition technology for computer related resources. Work could be aligned with the corresponding GGF activity Semantic Grid. Charter Discussion: - Define requirements for the schema - perhaps by defining the use cases - Add SQL to the language defs in the charter - Question - what do we mean by GGF core schema definitions? - Carl's suggestion - start with queue - General agreement this group should address "We're going to model [this] in CIM" not a higher level framework issue Possible milestones 1) setup group 2) What classes to consider (use glue-schema, others to define this- not all inclusive, needed first cut only) (call these A, B and C) 3) Write document for how to represent A in CIM 4) Write document for how to represent B in CIM 5) Write document for how to represent C in CIM 6) Usage document 7) Feedback to DMTF