This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7592?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:07:13 GMT Minutes of the 18-Feb-2003 CGS-WG teleconference

Minutes of the 18-Feb-2003 CGS-WG telephone conference

February 18, 2003

A CGS-WG telecon was held on Februrary 18, 2003 (8AM Pacific time). Attendees were:

Ellen Stokes (IBM)
Andrea Westerinen (DMTF and Cisco)
Peter Gietz (DAASI) stepping in later
Tom Roney (NCSA)


  1. Open issues with the JSIM doc and how fast to proceed
  2. Status of planned Demos at GGF7
  3. Dates for the next telecons
  1. Open issues with the JSIM doc and how fast to proceed

    Andrea and Ellen discussed the latest version (dated 17 Feb 2003) of the JSIM, and agreed to make certain modifications to the UML document and the MOF.  Ellen will update the group with the latest revisions. It is proposed that we attempt completion of the JSIM by early June. This would mean that the proposed model could be incorporated into the DMTF's next (2.8) "train" (see

    Mid-March is the "train" for CIM 2.8 preliminary. So at GGF7 we'll need to decide whether to propose what we have or wait another 6 months for 2.9 preliminary. Ellen is tempted to say we cut and run because after a preliminary release there is a 6 month comment and use period to valid where changes can be made before it's made final.

    Peter proposes in that case that the discussion on list and phone should be high frequency until mid March

    Ellen says to expect a notification regarding a BOF at GGF7 (Wed night Mar 5) ... a proposed new work group would form to work on a Common Resource Model to describe the structure of a manageable resource as an OGSA service as well as a set of base resource (OGSA services) models. This group is spawned from the work of the OGSA working group.

  2. Status of planned Demos at GGF7

    The demos planned for GGF7 are nearly complete. Tom must work further with Viktor to automate an event response.

  3. Dates for the next telecons

Peter has proposed a new schedule for the next CGS conference calls: (Mar 11, Mar 25, Apr 8, Apr 22, May 6, May 27).  Two dates are a bit problematic:

The meeting might be helpful to wrap up GGF7 results. Final decision to be made on the list.

The CGS-WG has a bi-weekly teleconference on Tuesdays at these times:

08.00-09.00 US Pacific (e.g. Los Angeles)
09.00-10.00 US Mountain (e.g. Denver)
10.00-11.00 US Central (e.g. Chicago)
11.00-12.00 US Eastern (e.g. New York)
16.00-17.00 GMT UK (e.g. London)
17.00-18.00 Central Europe (e.g. Paris)
01.00-02.00 Japan (next day)

The next Telecon of the CGS-WG is scheduled for 8AM Pacific on Tuesday March 11, 2003.  The teleconference information is:

call-in number: 1 888 709 8699
international: 1 773 799 3951
passcode: 79215

  This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7592?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:07:13 GMT