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Minutes of the 5-Nov-2002 CGS-WG teleconference
The 3rd CGS-WG telecon was held this morning
(8AM Pacific time). Attendees were:
Larry Flon (USC/ISI)
Viktor Mihajlovski (IBM Germany)
Tom Roney (NCSA)
Ellen Stokes (IBM)
Peter Gietz (DAASI)
- JSIM Document Progress Report
Ellen reported working on an updated draft. Currently reviewing the data
requirements of PBS, Tivoli Workload Scheduler, and Load Leveler. The
new draft will incorporate those items that match the needs of these current
generation job schedulers. This new draft will be circulated to the
email list well in advance of the next telecon.
- XML/LDIF Mapping Issue
Initial discussion re: polling the email list about whether to do these
mappings and when. However subsequent discussion led to the conclusion
that it is better to delay such a poll. Our primary task is to create
the MOF describing the JSIM that will be submitted to the DMTF. There
are no current tools that will auto-generate clean XML or LDIF from MOF.
All existing tools require user post-processing to produce something that
truly fits the target schema language. Since this is not something we
want to do more than once, it was deemed best to concentrate on the JSIM model
and the MOF. We can worry about what other forms we should deliver the
schema in once we are closer to that goal.
- What to do about Grid Jobs
Based upon a discussion that took place in the SCHED-WG mail list (see
Grid Job), Tom suggested that our WG consider how our work relates to the
concept of a client wishing to schedule a complex Grid Job that involves
coordinating activities on multiple nodes of a grid. A discussion followed,
and it was decided that we do not want to hold up our work on delivering a
practical CIM solution for today's job schedulers. However, we want to
be aware of the Grid Job work. For the moment, we will include in the
text of the JSIM document a Scope of Work section, that indicates our focus on
existing job schedulers such as PBS. We will also add a Use Cases
section to the document, and one of those should be the idea of a Grid Job
Scheduler using the JSIM model and local job schedulers for the individual
components of the overall job.
- How our work relates to Grid Services (OGSA)
We did not have much time to finish discussing this topic before the call
ended. However it is unclear what role our group has in specifying
service definitions. CIM itself, through work that IBM is doing, will be
rendered as a Grid Service, allowing basic Get/Set Service Data operations.
We don't see yet that there is any specific Grid Service that this group
should model in relation to JSIM. But the discussion on this topic is
not yet finished.
The next Telecon of the CGS-WG is scheduled for 8AM Pacific on Tuesday
December 3, 2002. Dial-in information will be forthcoming.
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7582?download=11899 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:40:01 GMT