Summary of conference call August 31, 2004 In attendance: Larry Flon Viktor Mihajlovski Susan Malaika Andrea Westerinen Larry reminded Andrea that the GGF12 CIM Overview CGS sessions had been shifted to 2 on Wednesday and 1 on Thursday. Andrea stated that this would impact some DMTF travel plans. Larry and Susan agreed to revert to the 3 Wednesday sessions for the CIM Overview, and the work session on Thursday morning. This conflicts with Susan's InfoD session, but she will work around that. Larry also reminded Andrea that the CGS sessions are 90 minutes long, not 75 minutes as in Andreas's initial presentation schedule. Andrea agreed to re-do the timing for those sessions to use the full periods. Larry asked Andrea for presenter BIOS, and suggested that we put together a 1-page insert for the registration packet containing the CIM session outlines, schedule, and bios. Larry will contact Steve Crumb about distributing these, and linking to this in a future GGF announcement email. Also, it was suggested we send email to the OGSA-WG with the same info.