This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7581?download=11898 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:40:01 GMT Minutes of the 22-Oct-2002 CGS-WG teleconference

The 3rd CGS-WG telecon was held this morning (Pacific time). Attendees were:

Larry Flon (USC/ISI)
Jenny Schopf (ANL)
Viktor Mihajlovski (IBM Germany)
Andreas Maier (IBM Germany)
Tom Roney (NCSA)
Eric Woo (IBM Yorktown)
Peter Gietz (DAASI)

We reviewed the meetings at GGF6 in Chicago last week. There were 2 CGS-WG sessions and 1 joint session with DAMED/NM/CGS. The latter session was to figure out if/how these groups should interact. The DAMED group is shutting down (finished) and the NM group will work on a schema that might later be fed to CGS for translation to CIM.

The first CGS-WG session reviewed the group charter and goals, and a brief intro to CIM Modeling was presented by Ellen Stokes of IBM. The second CGS-WG session reviewed the JSIM document, specifically the UML diagram. Various issues were raised that will be discussed on the mailing list.

During today's call, we again discussed the issue of producing an XML representation of the MOF we deliver. Peter and Jenny suggested that it was a "contract" in our charter. Andreas suggested we wait for and make use of work that IBM is doing to algorithmically transform MOF into XSD. Larry said that even with an algorithm to do the translation, producing an XSD that is relevant and useful to the OGSA efforts will be a lot of work. This issue will be discussed on the mail list.

Peter asked how decisions are made in a WG. Jenny said that any decisions made during meetings or calls should be reiterated to the mail list. We should establish a policy that decisions sent to the mail list have a 2 week deadline for responses. If no significant objections are raised during this period, then the decision will stand. (Of course it can always be changed later on).

The issue of job dependencies/workflow was raised during the second CSG-WG session at GGF6. During this call, the sense was that we don't want to dive into this problem as part of this WG right now. This issue will be raised to the mail list.

The JSIM UML shows the BatchQueue attached to the OperatingSystem. In grid environments, the job queue belongs to a job scheduler/execution system, not directly to the OS. There can be multiple schedulers, and one scheduler can have multiple queues. Andreas, Viktor and Ellen will work on an update to the UML that will be posted to the mail list in advance of the next call.

There was some discussion about the "clarity" of the UML. Andreas advocated use cases. Peter asked that the UML be made as clear as possible. Andreas stated that UML by itself is not a complete story.

The next CGS-WG call will be in two weeks (5 NOV). The agenda will roughly be to review discussions and decisions made on the mail list over the next two weeks, and to review the updated UML that will be posted.

Peter proposed that Larry become the official CGS-WG Secretary, and there was no objection. Peter will update the charter accordingly.

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7581?download=11898 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:40:01 GMT