Summary of conference call May 25, 2004: In attendance: Larry Flon Susan Malaika Guru Bhat Andrea Westerinen Tom Roney Tom took minutes . . . summarizing because not very good at the minute-by-minute who-said-what . . . The only topic for this session was the CIM tutorial for GGF-11 in Honolulu. If the tutorial is to take place, we must have more registrants--we now have only one. There was a discussion regarding the timing of the tutorial, being Thursday, the last day of the conference; and conflicts with other tutorials and work sessions whose audience was also much of the audience for this tutorial. Cancellation of the tutorial was proposed for fear that a low turnout would result in the misconception that "no one wants it" and that we would then not have a chance to offer the tutorial at GGF-12 in Brussels. It was agreed that cancellation was really not an option. Larry will write to Arsi Vaziri, explaining our thinking as noted above and we will continue to actively push the tutorial. We are awaiting from John Tollefsrud a final go-ahead for sending a promotional blurb to the gf-chairs mail list. John is talking to Steve Crumb about this. Andrea noted that a news splash (about the tutorial) went out last week to the DMTF membership. Guru Bhat is not yet confirmed for the GGF-11 conference, but should know today or tomorrow whether or not he will attend. If in attendance, he will help Andrea with some of the presentation. A demo is not yet confirmed, but Andrea would like to have the audience participate in the demo slot, perhaps presenting their interests in how they could use CIM and a demo could be tailored to their interest. Andrea will have some demo material for backup, though it might be canned. The proposed tutorial itinerary 8:30 - 8:45 Tom, Intro and Relevance 8:45 - 9:00 Susan, Relevance to DAIS 9:00 - 10:15 Andrea - Overview (including concepts) 10:15 - 10:30 Break 10:30 - 11:00 Andrea - CIM Coverage (How to use the model) 11:00 - 12:15 Andrea - UML, MOF, CIM XML, and Future XML Schema, WSRF and WSDM Directions (Renderings) 12:15 - 1:30 Lunch 1:30 - 3:30 Demo and Open-Source Usage (IBM or WBEM Solutions) 3:30 - 3:45 Break 3:45 - 5:00 Andrea - Grid Example 5:00 - 5:30 Q&A, Wrap Up The morning hours are focused on what the model is and the basic concept behind it, and how to use the model, how to set it up, and how the information is represented. The afternoon is geared toward audience participation and demos. Larry, noted that the difference between MOF and XML are critical, so the itinerary was modified to include the futures of the model. From grid perspective, it is important that the schema is in XML format. Tom asked Andrea about DMTF membership participation: Do we have a head count as to who has volunteered to represent the DMTF within GGF working groups. Andrea mentioned that there are sufficient numbers and that the search is still underway. She also stated that these volunteers would likely not be attending the GGF conferences, but would be involved with the working groups' conference calls. Andrea then provided a pdf file: GGF.DMTF Work Register (Draft for Review). This draft outlines an alliance between the GGF and the DMTF, its mission, scope, and milestones.