This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7590?download=11907 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:40:01 GMT Minutes of the 24-Sep-2002 CGS-WG teleconference

Minutes of the second CGS-WG telephone conference, Sept. 24, 2002

PG (9/25/2002)

The Telephone Conference took place Sept 24, 2002, 11am - 12pm eastern time (5pm-6pm Central Europe Time)

1. Agenda

Following Agenda was agreed upon:
  1. See who is there
  2. Agenda bashing (anything else to talk about today? anything we shouldn't talk about today?)
  3. Comments to the minutes of last telephone conference
  4. Discussion of the new charter proposal
  5. future telephone conferences

2. Results of the discussions

Ad 1. See who is there

Following people joined the conference:
  • Andreas Maier, IBM
  • Larry Flon, ISI
  • Peter Gietz, DAASI International
  • Tom Roney, NCSA
  • Victor Mihajlovsky, IBM
  • Ad 2: Agenda bashing

    no changes

    Ad 3: Comments to the minutes of last telephone conference

    no comments

    Ad 4: Charter

    It was agreed that the Term "Job Submission Interface" might not exactly say the right thing, since the group will not define an interface (sort of an API) but just an information model. Thus the term will be replaced by "Job Submission Information Model" (JSIM).

    First document with the CIM Class definitions of JSIM. A starting point for the discussions could be a document created by the IBM-NCSA activity. Victor will send a pointer to the list.

    Second document will describe mappings to LDAP and to XML. For the latter it will not just be a duplication of the CIMXML DtD of DMTF but should rather head towards OGSA requirements, which looks at things as service implementations. Tom agreed to provide some language to clear these points

    The first bulletpoint under the may goals was discussed and it was decided to put it under the must list again and rephrase it to make it a kind of roadmap document for further enhancing CIM for Grid Computing. Again the document pointed to by Victor can help as starting point

    Ad 5: next telephone conferences

    It was decided to have regular calls every other week. Larry wanted to see if GGF phone call facilities could be used.

    Summary of actions

    Tom: produce some new wordings for the first two bullet points Victor: send pointer to IBM-NCSA document Larry: request info about phone conferences at GGF Peter: reserve two timeslots for the groups meeting at GGF 6 This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7590?download=11907 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:40:01 GMT