Minutes of CGS-WG Telecon 18-May-2004 Attendees: Lawrence Flon, USC/ISI Susan Malaika, IBM/US Tom Roney, NCSA Brian Collins, IBM/UK It appears that the problems with the USC telecom system have not, in fact been removed, since we could not get a fifth caller connected. So I will not use this particular system again until it has been proven to work. Next week we will use an IBM-provided system. For various technological reasons, including some internet problems Brian was having, we could not make great progress. However, we did document open questions concerning the model, including the handling of data types (number, enum, string), the attributes of Table, View, and Column, and what other classes, such as procedures/functions, triggers, etc. should be in the model. Much of that hinges on DAIS updating their use cases to more specific grid issues. Susan is also going to discuss this with a “data modeler” person she has access to. Next week’s call will continue this discussion, in part, and also we will talk about the CIM Tutorial slated to take place at GGF-11. Larry