This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7594?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:06:57 GMT Minutes of the 27-May-2003 CGS-WG teleconference

Minutes of the 27-May-2003 CGS-WG telephone conference

A CGS-WG telecon was held on May 27, 2003 (8AM Pacific time). Attendees were:

Larry Flon (USC/ISI)
Tom Roney (NCSA)
Viktor Mihajlovski (IBM Germany)
Ellen Stokes (IBM)


  1. Review Open Issues, and close as many as possible. See for current issues.
  2. Any new business?
  1. Review Open Issues

    Refer to for further information on the issues/bugs referenced, or click on the bug number below.

    ID Owner Summary Discussion
    18 (17) BatchJob's have no organization or connections;
    (18) BatchJobGroup is unconnected
    The UML on the CGS web site is considerably out of date. CIM 2.8 is scheduled to be released on 12-Jun-2003, and has changes that affect the UML, but also we have made decisions that are not yet reflected in the diagram. Ellen will make a pass over the Visio and update it prior to the next call.
    16 Batchqueue has no reference to jobs on queue Andrea reported in Bugzilla "The association JobDestinationJobs is inherited by a BatchQueue. It details all the jobs on the Queue. BTW, the BatchQueue class is renamed to JobQueue in CIM V2.8". This issue is now Closed.
    15 (10) BatchService issues;
    (12) Resolve statuses;
    (13) Do we need more job information/detail?;
    (15) BatchJob class to provide description of the task
    Ellen said she will review these issues w.r.t. CIM 2.8 and other decisions we have made, and update these Bugzilla issues as well as the UML prior to the next call. 

    We agreed that for (15), free-form fields are the right thing for now.
    8 Need job completion statistics After some discussion, we all got on the same page and agreed with Tom's proposal as reflected in the Bugzilla description of this issue.  Consequently, this issue is now Closed.
    14 Heidi Neumann's proposed class/association additions (OpenPBS) As reported in the Bugzilla description of this issue, discussion with someone from LoadLeveler suggests that we adopt Heidi's original proposal and add a class to represent a node group, as well as an association to a Job. It was so agreed.
  1. Any new business

No new issues were raised.

Dates for the next telecon

The next Telecon of the CGS-WG is scheduled for 8AM Pacific on Tuesday 3-Jun-2003.  Subsequent calls are scheduled for 10-Jun and 17-Jun, leading up to GGF8.

The CGS-WG has a bi-weekly teleconference on Tuesdays at these times:

08.00-09.00 US Pacific (e.g. Los Angeles)
09.00-10.00 US Mountain (e.g. Denver)
10.00-11.00 US Central (e.g. Chicago)
11.00-12.00 US Eastern (e.g. New York)
16.00-17.00 GMT UK (e.g. London)
17.00-18.00 Central Europe (e.g. Paris)
01.00-02.00 Japan (next day)

The teleconference information is (note that the passcode has changed):

call-in number: 1 888 709 8699
international: 1 773 799 3951
passcode: 73513

  This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7594?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:06:57 GMT