Minutes of the 11-May-2004 CGS-WG Telecon Attendees: Larry Flon, USC/ISI Susan Malaika, IBM/US Brian Collins, IBM/UK John Fuller, Warner Enterprises Andrea Westerinen, Cisco/DMTF We again reviewed the first draft UML model for a logical database schema. This model can be found on GridForge at https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/cgs-wg/document/SRIM_UML_Current_Draft/en/1 It was agreed that: + we will drop NamedColumnSet and QueryColumnSet and just use ColumnSet with a nullable Name attribute. + we will adjust the DataType model to cover, in a relatively simple way, the enum of SQL data types. + we need more specific Grid Use Cases focused on data Discovery, and Susan will follow up on this. There will be another telecon next Tuesday, May 18. Andrea requested that the week after, May 25, we spend some time discussing the GGF11 CIM Tutorial.