This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7593?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:06:49 GMT Minutes of the 10-Sep-2002 CGS-WG teleconference

Minutes of the first CGS-WG telephone conference, Sept. 10, 2002

PG (9/11/2002)

The Telephone Conference took place Sept 10, 2002, 11am - 12pm eastern time (5pm-6pm Central Europe Time)

1. Agenda

Following Agenda was agreed upon:
  1. Introductory round (who am I, what is my interest in CIM based Grid Schema, please try to be short)
  2. Agenda bashing (anything else to talk about today? anything we shouldn't talk about today?)
  3. Charter discussion
  4. CGS-WG and other GGF WGs (how shall we coordinate interact)
  5. Are the chairs acceptable?
  6. Demo linux cluster software at next GGF
  7. Date of the next telephone conference

2. Results of the discussions

Ad 1. Introductory round

Following people joined the conference:
  • Andreas Maier, IBM, member of the IBM OGSA activity
  • Brian Tierney, LBL, interested in how this group will inluence the future of the DAMED WG
  • Carl Kesselman, USC/Information Sciences Institute, involved in OGSA
  • Dan Gunter, LBL, involved in DAMED WG
  • Harvey Knapp, IBM involved in IBM NCSA project on cluster
  • Jenny Schopf, ANL, part of the Globus team, involved in DAMED WG and GLUE Schema
  • Joshi Fullop, NCSA, working on the CIM-based cluster monitor with the IBM SBLIM team
  • Peter Gietz, DAASI International, interest in CIM for interoperability between different technologies
  • Tom Roney, NCSA, working on Monitoring environment
  • Victor Mihajlovsky, IBM, working on SBLIM, (CIM based linux cluster management tool)
  • Ad 2: Agenda bashing

    one item on Linux cluster demo added to the agenda

    Ad 3: Charter

    We want to be very focused to get the job done in the normal time frame of a GGF WGs (maximum 18 month). Only then this work will be interesting for e.g. the OGSA WG, otherwise they will start their own effort on CIM schema.

    Thus we decised to only work on one specific topic, being queues, or to use a more generic term Job submission interface.

    We will produce two documents:

    1. one on defining CIM classes and their location in the overall CIM model on job submission interface, having OGSA requirements in mind
    2. one on how to map these classes to XML and to LDAP. If someone has interest, she could add a chapter on SQL mapping. The mappings could be devided in managability part (reflecting operations, XML mapping to WSDL) and information part (reflecting the mere data, xml mapping to XML schema).

    Andreas is willing to lead the activities on the schema doc, Peter on the mapping document.

    Ad 4: Other WGs

    OGSA WG should be seen as a customer of our efforts, especially XML mappings have to be in tune with OGSA

    DAMED WG will connect to our WG through a combined telephone conference

    Semantic Grid WG should be contacted to offer them CIM as a technology that they could be using for their efforts

    Ad 5: Chairs

    There were no objections concerning the proposed chairs Carl and Peter.

    Ad 6: Demo on CIM based Linux cluster management tool

    The question was asked whether it was possible to have a 60 minute time slot at the next GGF for a demo. The reaction was that the WG time slot cannot be used for such a demo, since the group has too much else to discuss. It was proposed to include such a demo in GGF 7, were there will be tutorials and similiar sessions. It could even be combined with a CIM tutorial.

    Ad 7: date of next telephone conference

    Next telefone conference meeting will be agreed upon on the list. The majority agreed that we should schedule such a conference call twice a month. This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7593?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:06:49 GMT