This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7630?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:39:39 GMT Minutes of the 2nd CGS

Minutes of the 2nd CGS-WG Session
GGF10, Berlin
12-March-2004, 1600

Larry opened the meeting and reviewed the agenda.  Fred Maciel took notes for the meeting.

Andrea presented some remaining hanging issues with the JSIM Specification.  It was agreed to accept her changes.  A clarification was agree to on the fact that MaxCPUTime and CPUTime are properties for an individual run, in the case of a recurring job, not for the total runs of the job.

Larry and Andrea will work to update the document and UML before it is officially published by the GGF.

Andrea will submit changes to the DMTF in time for CIM  2.9. She also stated there will be a 2.10 release before a 3.0 release, which is probably where any SRIM changes will appear.

Susan Malaika began a presentation of the DAIS Use Cases document.  A lively discussion ensued.

CIM does not currently have support for either logical or physical database schema.  The DMTF database working group is developing support for the physical storage representation of database.  So the CGS-WG should plan to develop both schemas.

Some discussion occured around the question, raised by Larry, of whether administration of the database schema and/or user/access control through CIM could translate into CIM actions that would make those changes to the database.  Thus DAIS might do administration via CIM in one particular way, and there might be support to accomplish this in Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, etc., which would be wonderful for DAIS but would require active support from the database vendors (and this would need their support anyway, to store the database schema info in the CIMOM).

We ran out of time at this point.  Larry intends to continue the discussion of the mail list, and via bi-weekly telecons, to be negotiated on the mail list.

Andrea stated that there were good concepts discussed here. We need CIM database specialists to participate in the discussion, and Andrea will facilitate this.  This is in line with the CGS-WG general desire to involve the DMTF in GGF.

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7630?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:39:39 GMT